I pressed my lips to his and wrapped one arm around his waist. Breaking the kiss I pulled him against me. A sigh escaped his lips as he melted into me, both arms going around my waist and his face going into my neck.

“You’re not being selfish. I want everyone home and together too. Soon, Omega.”

He nodded, his face still pressed against me, and we stayed there silent for a moment. I breathed him in and let his scent ground me. A few minutes later, the nurse came back out, pushing the extra bed Ethan and I had slept in, and we all went into the room.

Theo’s bed had been raised and he was sitting up, looking annoyed but better than he had when he woke up. Ethan fidgeted and it looked like he was wringing his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.

“C’mere Biscuit.”

Theo shifted to the side, lifting the blanket, and Ethan let out a whimper before crawling onto the bed. He pressed himself into Theo’s side, sliding one of his legs over Theo’s and wrapping an arm around Theo’s thick waist then breathed deeply and closed his eyes. Needing to be close to them both, I walked around the bed and sat down facing the door, while Miles and Shae settled back into the other bed, watching the three of us. Theo spoke softly to Ethan.

“Are you tired?”

“No, just need a minute like this; if that’s okay?”


Theo leaned his head against the top of Ethan’s then pulled him closer with one arm before reaching out for my hand. Another low purr came from him, and he let out an annoyed sigh.


“Is not.”

Ethan’s voice was sleepy as he snuggled closer into Theo. It didn’t take long before our Omega drifted off. By the time Trevor returned with several bags, Shae and Miles were asleep as well. He looked at the sleeping members of our pack and smiled before setting the food down on a table, then quietly pulled the other chair to my side.

“How are you feeling, little brother?”

“Not bad, actually. Fucker didn’t get too many hits in before he jabbed me. Just feels weird, kind of off-balance. Could do without all the purring.”

Turning to me, Theo’s face became serious.

“He got away, didn’t he?”

I nodded and he cursed lightly. Trevor began to fill us in on what had happened since we’d left the warehouse.

“I’ve had Cole and a few of my other people checking for cameras that might show any roads nearby where he could have traveled, but there’s nothing—they picked that location well. On the plus side, the cops haven’t pushed much, according to Gia. The dead men were all known to them in one way or another, and the fact that they were holding Shae along with everything else makes it clear that there won’t be any charges made against the pack. If we don’t go on any more rampages without additional provocation and so on.”

Theo and I both snarled at that, while Trevor’s eyes were icy. There were so many unknowns. I didn’t want to work with the police but since there were more people involved—Cat and the other girls—we would cooperate and hope for the best. Maybe Bodhi’s contact could get us more information on who the dead men were.

Theo’s hand tightened on mine.

“I want that Alpha dead. What about the bag with laptop for Ethan to do his thing with and the other stuff. Did we get those?”

“No, love. I—you were seizing, and I couldn’t …”

Trevor’s arm went around me and he pressed a kiss to my temple as he spoke against my skin.

“It’s fine, Jade. You know you did the right thing focusing on Theo and Shae. Ethan and Cole will figure it out without the laptop. We found them once, we can do it again.”

We stayed like that for a while, just keeping contact, Theo’s thumb brushing against my knuckles as we soaked in the quiet.

“Do I smell waffles?”

Trevor, Theo, and I smiled over at Shae as they stretched sleepily before sitting up.

“Yep, got all the toppings, and everything’s separate so you can make them however you wanted.”

“Aw, thank you, Trev.”