There was a book next to me on the couch and I threw it against the wall to keep from throwing my phone, regretting it almost instantly since the noise was sure to draw one of my pack mates.

“Keep me updated if you hear anything, Gia.”

“Will do. Fuck the cops for ducking out of this, knowing what an actual psychopath he is. You’ll get him, Jade. I know you will.”

I set my phone down and put my chin on my fists, breathing deeply and trying not to let the worry of how well that fucking monster had hidden from us for so long take over. Letting him roam free to potentially hurt someone else and not pay for what he’d done already was unacceptable. The click of the door latch and the soft sound it made as it opened, rubbing along Miles' rug, drew my gaze. Theo came into the room and sat down beside me, mirroring my pose with his elbows on his knees, looking forward.

“Bodhi called. It wasn’t about the arrests though.”

“Is Cat alright?”

“She’s as fine as she can be. But Jack called him to make sure he’s on alert, asked Bodhi to call me.”

My eyes narrowed.

“They got a call that emergency services were sent out to Justin Grant’s house about an hour after the arrests started. His wife had come home and found him dead.”

“Fuck." I stood up and began pacing in front of the couch. “I thought the police were bringing him in?”

“I don’t know what happened, but Graves is still unaccounted for…” he paused to gauge my reaction.

“Gia told me. Said the cops were not going to seek him out since our claim is in place and he wasn’t sitting there waiting nicely to be arrested with the rest of the pack.”

A low rumble came from Theo, not quite a snarl but something like its annoyed cousin.

“That explains the book-throwing, then.”

I took another deep breath and sat back down on the couch, this time pressing into Theo’s side and taking his hand in mine. The comfort from being close to him was enough to clear my thoughts.

“We need to make sure that we have additional people with Pack Rothchild and their Omega as well as with Cat and Ethan’s family. Send Michaels to the safe house and make sure Daniels is aware so he can be in place with Bodhi. I’ll ask Ethan to call Nate in so there is another Alpha there. Even if he isn’t one of ours, he’s family, and we know for a fact they’d worked out where to find Cat. Fuck, I need to hire more people.”

Theo squeezed my hand and rubbed his jaw along my temple.

“We always have people wanting to work for Drake and an endless waitlist of clients. Focus on what we need to do now and we can deal with personnel issues after we have Graves’ head on a pike.”

I bumped his shoulder with mine.

“So bloodthirsty.”

“You like it.”

Turning toward him, I leaned in, just short of closing the distance between us. He grinned before moving the rest of the way and meeting my mouth in a slow kiss. After a moment, I pulled back and spoke against his lips.

“I really do.”

“We need to tell the others.”

“Ethan’s probably going to demand to go back into the BullPen.”

“What our Omega wants…”

“True enough.”

Ethan had indeed demanded to go back to work and do whatever he could to locate Graves. Miles and Shae went to Ethan’s mom’s apartment in one of our tank-like SUVs. Shae had been worried about Cat, but concerned about how Ethan would take them rushing to another Omega, and Ethan had assured them that he didn’t feel any jealousy or Omega possessiveness over it. We all planned that they would go with Miles to take Ethan into campus the next day for his final meeting with his advisor before the winter break. I’d set up an escort to get them to and from campus, but the number of people I trusted with the safety of my pack was running thin. I really needed to hire more bodies.

I also spent some of the time after I spoke with Gia coordinating a surprise for Ethan. I’d had an idea, since Theo’s joke about needing a bigger bed in our rooms at Drake House, and it all just happened to line up. Before we went into the offices, my assistant organized a pack sized platform bed to be assembled in our designated suite in the barracks. I’d already bought duplicates of the blankets and pillows from Ethan’s nest and asked each of our packmates for a shirt that carried their scent. As soon as Ethan took a break from his work on the search for Graves, I’d take him down to set up his secondary nest. I hoped that he liked it.

Theo left Trevor’s office and sidled up to me, leaning against the wall next to where I stood. His scent was tinged with worry, anger, and something that was more sense than scent, like the way the air stills when lightning strikes. He was ready to fight. The need to end this was riding him hard, and I understood that completely.