
Theo’s reduction to confused, monosyllabic speech fit right along with my thoughts. We watched the other Alphas surround her and, even from where we’d parked a ways down the block, the sight of Alphas comforting their Omega was obvious. Theo looked over to me and I met his eyes. Dammit.

That Omega didn’t want to leave them, and they didn’t act like the Alphas Theo had heard saying such horrible things about Ethan at the West’s party. We’d had them written off as the kind of assholes that belonged on the end of my knives but, after seeing the scene playing out before us, it was obvious there was more here than met the eye.

After a few minutes, the pack separated and spoke with the officers and EMTs around them. The Omega and the only Alpha who hadn’t been at Ethan’s house went into the back of the ambulance. As it pulled away, the other two went into the back of an unmarked car and began to drive in the same direction as the ambulance.

“To the station?”

“Yeah, call Gia and see if we have any grounds to talk to them.”

Theo made an unsure noise but was pulling up my contacts to connect the call through the car. I was already working on an argument when she answered.

“Tell me you didn’t maim someone again? I’m not awake enough to deal with that right now, Jade.”

Theo chuckled and reached over the console to put a hand on my thigh, flooding the bond with an inappropriate amount of lust for the situation.

“Everyone I have come into contact with today still possesses all of their appendages.”

I chose to ignore the mumbled so far from my passenger.

“Keep it that way please, Madam Director. So, if it’s not to keep you out of jail, why am I awake?”

Theo and I provided a brief run down of what we’d learned from Ethan’s research and what we saw at the Rothchild pack house before I asked what I needed to know.

“Do I have grounds to question Gavin Rothchild in the interest of pack retribution against the Alpha who attacked two of my bondmates after kidnapping one and holding them against their will for five days?”

Gia’s long-suffering sigh was all bluster. I suspected she was more annoyed that I’d worked through the argument myself before calling her, robbing her of the chance to show off her legal genius.

“Yes. I will submit a formal request now and call the precinct to tell them to expect you but I need at least thirty minutes, Jade. Don’t go charging in there until you hear from me. I mean it.”

I saved any conversations where I doubted the legality of my actions for Gia. She’d offered before to handle everything that related to our pack, but I didn’t want anything, like rumors of preferential treatment, overshadowing how brilliant she was.

“Understood, Gia. Thank you.”

“Thank me with a raise.”

She hung up before I could reply and left me shaking my head.

“Thirty minutes gives us plenty of time for?—”

I snapped my legs together and squeezed my thighs on Theo’s wandering hand.

“The next words in that sentence better have been planning what we will say to Gavin Rothchild when we see him. I know you don’t think I’m about to roll into that conversation smelling like I’ve been recently fucked.”

Theo sucked his teeth and gripped the inside of my thigh where his hand was still trapped.

“If you say so, boss.”


“So what is your plan?”

“I’m going to get them to tell me everything.”

“Good, good. I love a well thought out plan.”

“I’m picking up on your sarcasm.”