“I’d love to stay in your nest, Omega.”



After waiting on Trevor’s knot, we snuck up to the nest, not wanting to wake Miles and Shae. People often accused Omegas of being selfish and I could admit that, right then, I was being selfish. I wasn’t ready to break the bubble that Trevor and I had been existing in since we’d got home.

We stopped at Trevor’s door, and he ran inside quickly to get some sweatpants to sleep in. Once we got to my nest, I showered first and worried over the placement of every pillow and blanket in my nest while I waited on Trevor to finish his own shower. Theo sent me a wave of something in the bond that helped me feel more calm. I was so new to having a bond that most of the time it startled me to feel him reaching out, but I loved it. Panicking while waiting for a text that everything was fine wasn’t a problem I had anymore.

The shower turned off and I gave up on my nest and ran to the light switches to put them on one of the settings that made me think of the night sky. Trevor came out of the bathroom, shirtless, black sweats riding low on his hips, and scrunching the water from his hair with a towel. The sight made my mouth water and I had to remind my body that I wasn’t in heat, and it could go without a knot until tomorrow. Trevor was looking up at the ceiling with a wistful sort of smile and I took the extra minute to look over the art on his skin.

“It’s beautiful in here; peaceful.”

I swallowed thickly as I looked back at him. He seemed different somehow. I’d noticed that he had been changing slowly from the angry and sometimes cruel Alpha I’d met, but after the events of the night, it seemed like a final weight lifted from him.

“Can’t take credit for any of it. Miles said it was his courting gift.”

I smiled over at him but my smile fell when I saw him looking at his feet and shifting his weight from one foot to the other. Walking up to him, I tentatively put my hands on his hips and swiveled my head until I caught his eyes.

“What is it?”

He sighed before wrapping his towel around his neck and pulling me into his chest, pressing his mouth into the top of my head.

“I did this all so wrong. I know you said it’s all in the past, but I want to be a good Alpha to you.”

I started to protest but he silenced me with a shake of his head.

“I want to get to know you. Bring you little things that will make you smile or make your day better?—”

“But you already do that. You bring me snacks and treats and coffee!”

He smiled down at me and pressed an achingly sweet kiss against my lips.

“I’ll keep doing that too but… did Theo tell you that I drew all of the pieces that made up his sleeves?”

I shook my head and looked down at Trevor’s torso with new eyes.

“Did you draw any of these?”

“Most of them.”

“That’s—Trevor that’s incredible.”

I could see a blush tinting his cheeks as he mumbled his thanks before hugging me to his chest again.

“Theo said something tonight about me choosing a piece from the gala for your nest and I think he was trying to remind me what art used to mean to me. I haven’t drawn or gone to a gallery or to the spaces at Riverview to see what those artists are creating in so long. Would you want to come with me sometime?”



We stood there holding on to each other for a few more moments until I tugged him over to the blankets and pillows. Finally having him in them, getting his scent in my nest the same way the others had, settled something in my soul. We lay there talking about everything and nothing at all. Favorite colors, foods, all of that. And then, when I asked what his favorite movie was, his cheeks tinted with a blush, and he said some older action movie I had never heard of.

“He’s lying.”

Theo’s deep voice pulled my attention to him, and I sprang from my spot to jump into his arms. He smelled like he’d showered downstairs in his room, and I focused on sending him feelings of gratitude in the bond. Thankful for him not bringing the scent of that random Alpha who’d been with Poppy into my nest. He leaned down and kissed me before pulling away and turning me back to the mattress. When we’d lain down and I was nestled between the two of them, trying very hard not to picture being spit-roasted by them, Theo decided to break the silence.

“Beauty and the Beasts. Used to make our sister watch it all the time and blame it on her when our parents complained.”