Ethan relaxed into me, resting the side of his helmet between my shoulders, and squeezed his arms around me. This could be a problem. If this was what it would be like, I would want him on my bike with me every day. The rest of the pack would fuss over how dangerous it was. Best to enjoy it while we could.

“Don’t let go.”

Ethan’s little squeal when we took off was quickly drowned out by the sound of the engine and my answering laughter as we sped home.



My thoughts were ping-ponging between rage, fear, and the ever-present Omega need as I rode on the back of Trevor’s bike. Rage because I kept picturing the look on his face when that Omega had cornered him. The complete blankness and how his scent had been drenched in terror. I knew exactly who she was, from Theo’s story and the one time I’d seen her picture. Okay… and all the times I cyberstalked her, plotting how to fuck her shit up after I learned what she’d done. I never expected her to be there though. I never would have put Trevor in that situation, and I knew Jade wouldn’t have either.

The fear and the need were confusingly mixed because both were tied to being on this fucking death machine. I got the appeal, I did, and parts of me could appreciate the freedom in the ride. The more dominant part of me kept remembering that there were people out there who wanted to hurt my pack. Also, there was literally nothing between Trevor and I and the pavement that was right fucking there.

Speaking of right fucking there—Trevor. Except for that one day in the conference room, a day that lived on repeatedly in my wet dreams, I’d never been this close to him for so long. His mahogany and teakwood scent was so strong that I could smell it even with the helmet on. I wanted to rip the helmet off so I could press my face right into the hard muscles of his back and breathe him in.

Trevor stiffened a little and it pulled my attention out of the Alpha pheromone-induced haze I was in. Shit. I’d been basically grinding my hard dick into him. Fucking hell. Embarrassment flooded me as I thought again about what he’d had to face tonight and cursed my needy Omega body. Too afraid to really lean away from where I was plastered to his back, I shifted my hips back until I wasn’t obviously pressing my hard-on into his back, unlinking my hands from where I clenched them in front of his stomach. I began to move my hands to his sides when one of his large hands suddenly grabbed my own and held them where they were pressed into his lower stomach.

“Don’t let go of the handles! What the fuck, Trevor!”

I could feel the vibrations of his laughter as he put his wandering hand back on the handlebar where it belonged. I breathed out slowly in relief as I realized I knew the street we were on. Less than a block from our house, Trevor began to slow down, moving the bike toward the back of the property where the gated, detached garage was.

He entered the gate and then the opening garage door before quickly pressing the button to close it again. I took another deep breath as he took off his helmet and patted my hands. Removing them and beginning to climb off the bike, I realized my muscles were stiff from how tense I’d been the whole ride. I took off my helmet and was looking around for where to put it when it was removed from my hands. Trevor placed it next to his on one of the storage hooks that I’d noticed in the garage before because the large balls on the end looked odd to me. Made more sense after realizing they were for helmets not decoration.

With the helmet off and Trevor standing so close, I was choking down the whine that wanted to erupt from my throat and call him to me. My perfume was rising again, and I needed to get into the house, but I couldn't make myself move. I closed my eyes and tried to take shallow breaths so I wouldn't make him uncomfortable. Running through what I could possibly say to him after what he faced tonight when I felt the heat of his huge body as he got closer to my front.

My eyes shot open and I looked up at him, so fucking tall. The blue of his eyes were almost completely eclipsed by his blown pupils. Trevor’s nostrils flared as he took in a deep breath then pressed closer. He crowded into me until the backs of my thighs met the bike and my hands went back automatically to brace myself. My chest was heaving but constricted behind the corset Aubs had talked me into. His big fingers moved down the lapel of my jacket, unbuttoning the one button and tracing the boning of my corset with one fingertip. I couldn’t breathe.

“Thank you, Ethan.”

His words cleared the lust fog for a moment because I hadn’t expected that. He was thanking me? My hormone-addled brain fought to make me refocus on the tease of his thighs barely brushing mine and where his hand moved slowly up and down my ribs.


His huffed laugh ghosted across my upturned face, and I sank deeper into the haze.

“You stood up for me, stopped her?—”

A growl slipped from my lips, and I bared my teeth. A crooked grin tipped up the corner of his mouth. That tiny movement on both him and Theo was like catnip.

“You’re mine.”

Trevor froze at my words. His hands stopped their leisurely perusal of my torso and his breath caught in his throat. His utter stillness was alarming as I realized what I’d said and how it might upset him.

“I mean, I would never let someone like that hurt you again. You’re pack and I didn’t mean you’re mine, like you’re a thing but…I?—”

My panicked rambling cut off as his mouth crashed into mine. I moaned into his lips and lifted onto my toes so I could wrap my arms around his neck at the same time he crushed my body to his. He swallowed every sound I made as his tongue plunged into my mouth.

He broke the kiss and slid his hands down to my hips, pulling them fully against his own. The feel of his hard length pressing into mine made me mewl with need.

“I am yours, though. In every way you will have me, Ethan.”

I could never have predicted how all-consuming my need for these people would be. Movies and books gave us a fairytale version of packs who were fated to find each other, to be scent-matched and fall in love. I’d never thought it was real. Never thought it could be, until Shae’s scent punched me in the gut and pulled me from one of the worst moments of my life; until I met them all and had the same visceral reaction to each of them.

“I didn’t think you’d ever want me.” His brow furrowed and the damp notes of sadness and shame began to taint his scent. I hurried on. “I know we already talked about this a little bit, that it wasn’t about me, and I need you to understand something. I’m never going to hold anything that happened between us, before, over your head. Never pull it out of my pocket in an argument or anything like that.”

He swallowed thickly, and the tips of his fingers that had crept under my jacket, dug into the back of my corset, struggling to find a grip.

“The night that Shae was taken, when you asked me to watch out for Miles? I knew things had changed. And after everything you told me when you first kissed me? Nothing before that matters.”