“Go help our girl, Tough Guy. We’re fine.”

Theo met my eyes and gave a sharp nod before he exited the car as well. It was only a moment or so before my door opened and Cat shouldered her way into the seat next to me. I took in her reddened, slightly puffy face and opened my arms for her to collapse into as she continued to quietly cry.

The campfire-warmed marshmallow scent that had been subtle on Cat as a Beta had been dialed up to an extreme and her perfume had that charred note of terror. I held her and spoke softly about what I could see, telling her that she was safe, until Jade climbed into the driver’s seat.

“Theo and Ryan will go make sure the apartment is clear while we wait for the police. As soon as they confirm no one is in there, we’ll all go up and you can look around to see if anything was taken.”

Cat straightened while still leaning most of her weight on me and gripped my hands in her shaking ones.

“This car is safe, Cat. There’s a reason we always take it when we’re together. This thing is a fucking tank with bullet resistant glass. If anyone tries anything while we’re waiting for Theo and Ryan, I’ll run them down. Then I’ll drive to the police station to wait. No one is taking you…any of you, while I’m here. Do you understand?”

She nodded and gave Jade a soft, watery thank you before relaxing into the seat and leaning her head on my shoulder. I looked over to Ethan, ready to apologize since I’d always been told how territorial Omegas could be, but there was nothing but concern in his eyes where he looked toward Cat. His gaze lifted to my eyes and he leaned in to kiss my temple softly. Fuck, I loved this Omega.

Ethan turned his head toward the building, having spotted Theo coming from the main doorway. He approached the SUV and gestured for us to come with him. Jade and Ethan exited on the driver’s side and I followed Cat out to where Theo waited to escort us inside. Cat kept hold of my hand as we walked into the building and took the stairs up to her apartment on the second floor.

I’d met Cat in college, and we’d formed a fast friendship, becoming roommates through those years until she met her old pack. Then again after they’d excised her and left her a shell of the friend I’d known for so long. She’d clawed her way back to herself in the five years since then and I hated seeing her back at this place of uncertainty. But it was worse this time because there were reasons to be afraid now. Real boogeymen lurking in the shadows, because of me.

Jade must have sensed where my thoughts had gone because she tugged on the bond for my attention before sending me feelings of admonishment and love. I smiled at her and pushed back my gratitude and affection. Sometimes I thought it would be better if the bonds let us speak to each other like magic, like when I’d been taken. Extreme situations aside, this was almost as good. The longer we were bonded, the easier it was to communicate through those feelings.

We exited the stairwell and found Ryan waiting outside Cat’s apartment door. He nodded to her and entered the apartment before us, holding the door open as we all filed in. I couldn’t see anything to obviously suggest that someone had been in Cat’s space but as she went into her room, a soft whine filtered out that had me moving toward her.

She was kneeling in front of the walk-in closet and looking at a pile of blankets with fresh tears in her eyes.

“I’d been wanting to nest, I guess, but putting it off. I couldn’t quite let myself do it because it felt too real, ya know?”

I sank down to sit beside her as she wiped her cheeks with the heel of her palm and tucked some of the deep red strands that had escaped her messy bun, behind her ears.

“Couldn’t stop buying these though. When the color or the texture was right.” Her red, shiny eyes met mine. “Someone’s been in here. They’re not the way I left them, and I can smell someone. It’s faint, like they used de-scenting sprays or something, but it’s there.”

“Come stay with us. We’ll go to one of the nesting supply shops and get everything you want, for… whenever you’re ready.”

I hadn’t realized that Ethan had followed me into the room, but when Cat and I looked up we found a very determined Ethan staring down at her.

“But you’re an Omega and your pack… I couldn’t stay. It’d painful for you!”

Ethan looked gobsmacked and his nose wrinkled in disgust.

“Who told you that? It’s a load of shit.”

Cat flushed and I even felt a little dumb. That was one of the things the Omega who’d forced Cat out of her pack had told them. That Cat’s presence physically hurt her. That the Alphas treated Cat like an Omega and it was “painful.” Ethan crouched down in front of us, blocking the sight of Cat’s violated nesting materials, and took her hands.

“You’re obviously family to Shae, and you've been through hell. We’re not sending you to a hotel or some shit. Besides, my mom, my sister, and I can help you through this whole new Omega thing, too. I mean, if you want that?”

Cat nodded and sniffled before flinging her arms around my Omega, making him chuckle. I mouthed, “I love you,” to him and a blush darkened his cheeks before he patted Cat’s back and helped her stand.

“Let’s pack a bag with anything you need to be comfortable for a few days and we can always come back for more if you need to stay longer.”

Cat went out to the living room to get a suitcase from the storage closet and I took the opportunity to crowd Ethan until his back was against the wall and I could press myself against him.

“Sweet, kind, beautiful, perfect Omega. Thank you.”

I sealed my lips to his before he could say anything to brush off what he’d just done for my friend. Then pulled away to drag my dazed Omega back to where our Alphas were waiting. We’d take Cat home with us and find her a safer place soon.



“You don’t have to do this, Biscuit.”