One of the paramedics poked his head out of Theo’s ambulance and indicated they were ready to leave. Nodding to the lawyer, I hauled myself into the back of the ambulance and sat next to Shae. The doors closed and we took off.

Shae threaded their fingers through mine and leaned their head on my shoulder, but I couldn’t take my eyes from Theo. He had wires and tubes hanging off him, attached to monitors and an IV. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing normally. When I saw that his face was no longer contorted with pain, I was finally able to take a deep, if somewhat shaky, breath. Once I’d released that breath, I registered the tug on the fabric of my pocket. It wasn’t large enough to safely hold the syringe and I carefully extracted it before handing it to the paramedic monitoring Theo’s vitals.

“This was beneath where he was laying when we found him. Make sure it gets to the doctor treating him so it can be tested.”

The man’s brows drew down, but he pulled out a reinforced plastic bag and placed the syringe inside before returning to his task. Next, I tapped the com in my ear twice, connecting me back to the rest of the team and Cole in the BullPen.

“No one is to speak to any cops without a Drake House lawyer present. Is that clear?”

A chorus of “yes, ma’ams” sounded off through the link.

“Cole. I need you to warn Trevor and that Theo’s been injured. Shae and I are with him in the ambulance, heading to the hospital.”


“Good. No further contact until I check in.”


I pulled the com from my ear and left it to dangle from the wire as I focused on the soothing feeling of Shae holding my hand and running their thumb across my knuckles. I pressed a kiss to their temple then resumed my vigil over Theo as the ambulance sped to the hospital to find out my mate’s fate.

The flurry of movement when we arrived at the ambulance bay set my nerves on edge. I had a million questions to ask, but then as the EMTs were moving. When they knocked the stretcher Theo was on into the door, I bared my teeth and Shae had to grip my arm to keep me from lunging for them. Shae kept hold of me, soothing me with their touch, and reassuring me the two men were doing everything exactly as they should. Fuck, I knew I was losing it; being pulled in too many directions. Needing to comfort Shae—although they were mostly comforting me—and unable to let them out of my sight. Wanting to know exactly what was happening with Theo. Finding Trevor to explain what had happened to his brother.

Whenever I got overwhelmed, whenever I felt like I was drowning, I turned to Miles and Theo but that wasn’t an option. Our pack was in shambles, and I wanted nothing more than to kill the man responsible for what had happened. Well, the only thing I wanted more in that moment was for Theo to be fine and for our bond to not feel so wrong.

I climbed out of the ambulance and reached back to help Shae down when I heard feet pounding on the pavement of the parking lot. I swung around in time to see Miles and Trevor running toward us. Shae let out a choked whimper as Miles called their name and ran faster to get to us. Shae hadn’t fully gotten out of the back of the vehicle, so Miles simply grabbed their waist and pulled them to him. His arms snaked around their back as Shae wrapped their legs around his waist and their arms around his neck. Both were unable to hold back tears as they pressed their faces into each other’s necks and clung to each other.

Trevor had slowed his pace once he’d seen for himself that Shae was alright. He walked toward me, gently touching Miles on the shoulder as he drew level with the two of them. Miles pulled back far enough for Trevor to press a kiss to Shae’s temple before he walked over to me. Trevor’s beautiful face was drawn, and he looked like he was bracing himself for the worst. Before I could speak, someone loudly cleared their throat behind me, and I turned to see a Beta doctor in his late thirties or early forties looking annoyed.

“While I can appreciate how emotional this might be for you, we need to get the patient examined and discuss Mr. Owens’ condition.”

The doctor visibly blanched when he met my gaze but held his ground despite my nearly feral state. My voice came out hard.

“You’re not going to be able to separate an Alpha from their mate, Doctor, and I do not suggest attempting it. Take us to wherever Theo is, and you can examine Shae there.”

He looked like he wanted to argue with me then shook his head, obviously deciding against it, and motioned for us to follow him. Miles followed the doctor, still gripping Shae tightly against him and purring as he walked. Our Sunshine looked like they were moments from passing out and I wanted the doctor to hurry up so they could rest. Trevor snagged my hand as we went behind Miles, gripping my fingers tightly in his.

“Cole is bringing Ethan. He wanted to come with us, but, Jade, I didn’t know what Theo would be like, nor Shae; or how Miles would react. I wasn’t trying to force him out. I just didn’t know if?—”

I silenced Trevor’s panicked rambling by tugging him down and kissing him softly, sending love and appreciation down the bond.

“I understand. It’s okay, love. Theo’s been injected with a drug, one of the ones they kept at the warehouse. I don’t know anything beyond that. The EMTs had him stabilized in the ambulance but he was unconscious.”

Trevor’s throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly and his hold on my hand tightened to the point of pain. I’d decided not to tell him about the weakened bond. I wasn’t sure if I was making the right call, but I didn’t want to worry him any more than he already was.

“Why don’t you text Cole and have him bring Ethan to the hospital? One of the other techies can field things for a while.”

He nodded and, without letting go of my hand, retrieved his phone to send the message. The doctor led us past the emergency room to one of the elevator bays and took us up to the sixth floor, explaining that rather than treating him in the emergency department, they’d admitted Theo because, although still unconscious, he was otherwise stable. We trailed through the ward to a room set up for two patients. One bed had the privacy curtain drawn around it, and I could hear machines beeping. The doctor indicated for Miles to set Shae on the bed closest to the door, but Miles just looked at him and sat down on it with Shae still wrapped around him. Sighing, the doctor walked to the screened-off bed and pulled back the curtain. Theo was hooked back up to monitors and an IV again. But he’d been stripped of his bloody gear and changed into a hospital gown. The only trace of the blood that had covered him was in and around his fingernails. Beside me, Trevor drew in a sharp breath. I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it, then nudged him toward the chair by Theo’s bed. Turning around, I walked back toward Miles and Shae. A nurse was standing on the other side of the bed, setting down a gown and one-size-fits-all slip-proof socks. She gave me a warm smile as I approached them, then turned her attention back to what the doctor was saying to Shae.

“The paramedics indicated that they did not believe you had any injuries beyond scrapes, bruises, and likely dehydration. However, I am required to ask if you would like our nurse to carry out a forensic examination and complete a SAEK for the police.”

Miles’ growl rumbled through him and he gripped Shae tighter. I froze. Again. I hadn’t asked. Fuck. Why hadn’t I asked?

“There’s no need, Dr. Thomas. Nothing of that nature occurred. Before I put on the gown and get any kind of treatment, though, I would very much like to shower, if that’s acceptable: it’s been nearly a week.”

The doctor looked like he was about to argue but he didn’t get the chance. Miles just stood—Shae still in his arms—snagged the hospital gown and walked into the attached bathroom, shutting the door behind them. The doctor threw up his hands and exited the room, muttering something about Alphas. Thankfully, the nurse he left behind was much more personable. While she was doing observations and writing up his chart, she explained that Theo’s blood work had been rushed, but there was no telling how long it would take for them to find out what was in his system. Until they knew any more, they were only giving him rehydration fluids through the IV, which was what Shae would get, too. Before leaving, she told us to press the call button as soon as Shae was ready for her, or if Theo showed signs of waking.

With the nurse gone, we were left with the sounds of the shower running and the steady but quick beeping of Theo’s heart monitor. There was nothing to do but wait. I pulled a chair over next to Trevor’s and leaned my head against his shoulder, keeping watch over Theo and praying for him to wake soon.