“You knew the score with the three of them, Biscuit. I’ve never been involved with any of their scenes, let alone somewhere like this. But I would bend you over this table and eat you instead of this meal in a heartbeat.”

Ethan whimpered and clutched at Theo’s thighs, looking like he was ready to climb in the Alphas lap and beg. Jade put him out of his misery though and steered the conversation back to more polite topics.

“We can talk about what you would be comfortable with sometime, at home, Omega. Even though we know the owners well, I don’t want to put them in an awkward position.” Ethan blew out a breath and settled back into the seat completely as Theo rubbed firmly along the back of his neck. “What did your advisor have to say?”

There was a subtle shift in Ethan’s scent that betrayed some nervousness and the smallest amount of fear. We all focused completely on him, the need to fix whatever had upset him was too strong.

“Did something happen at school, Omega?”

Jade’s hard tone was merely a reaction to Ethan’s shifting scent. We knew that if something had hurt Ethan, Miles would never have kept it from the rest of us. I thought back to the night before, to the brief surge of anger and protectiveness that I’d felt in our bond, but I’d forgotten to ask him about. Cursing now how I’d been too distracted by the hints of attraction I’d picked up as well.

Ethan shook his head and wrung his napkin between his fingers. Theo’s purr stuttered to life in response to his Omega’s distress. We all moved closer to him, Theo and I each taking a hand to still his worrying and Jade slipped her arm behind my shoulders to stroke the back of Ethan’s neck. He sighed and relaxed into my side, closing his eyes.

“When Miles and I were having dinner last night, the police called and said that Clint was asking to speak to me. That he was refusing to help with the investigation until he got to?—”

Ethan was cut off by two growls and my brows drew down. Theo’s teeth were bared in a snarl and he was breathing heavily, obviously struggling to stay calm. Ethan shifted so he could lean back into Theo and let him be wrapped in the Alpha’s arms. Ethan’s perfume rose again and Theo’s breathing started to even.

“I’ve been thinking about it and I want to go, but I don’t want to go alone.”

Jade reached across me and took the hand Theo had released so he could hold Ethan, gripping it firmly.

“You don’t have to go alone, Ethan. You belong to us—with us. We would never let you face that alone. We’d all go if you asked or just one of us, whatever you need. You’re pack.”

A watery grin split Ethan’s face as he squeezed Jade’s hand. Theo moved an arm from around Ethan’s waist and tipped Ethan’s face to his with a finger against his chin. The way he looked at Ethan was so full of love and devotion that it felt a bit like we were intruding until I felt Jade’s lips press against the back of my neck.

“Bond us?”

Theo’s voice was barely audible but Ethan’s intake of breath was sharp as his eyes shot to Jade. Her voice was calm but the hand that flexed slightly on my hip and the worry in the bond betrayed her as she spoke.

“We talked about it, Ethan, and we have all the paperwork ready to be filed. If you want this too, we want to bond you into the pack.”

Ethan’s gaze moved between Jade and I before turning to Theo, who was still staring at him. He swallowed and his voice rasped with emotion.

“Everyone is okay with that?”

I smiled then because it was obvious how badly Ethan wanted this too, but he would never do anything to make Miles or Trevor uncomfortable. I leaned in and ran the tip of my nose along the bridge of his before kissing him softly and pulling back so I could hold his gaze.

“Miles and Trevor aren’t ready to bond yet, but they want you in the pack completely. If you’re ready for a step like that, we don’t want to pressure?—”


Joy lit the bond between Jade and I as she pressed in so the four of us were as close as possible. She wrapped her arms around me and pressed a kiss to the side of my neck before leaning past me to kiss Ethan, then sitting back and tugging me with her so Theo could kiss Ethan stupid.

A light rap on the door caused them to break apart as the waitress came in with the main course. She excused herself saying that, unless we needed anything else, the room was ours until we were ready to leave. Theo didn’t allowed Ethan to get far, nearly pulling him into his lap, as we made our way through the decadent meal, just enjoying the glow of happiness.

“So, would you bond me into the pack, Jade? I don’t need to rush but Theo and I talked about not knowing if he could bond me. Would we need to wait until my heat?”

“Actually, I would like Theo to bond you first, if possible. He and I have a few things to work out before that, but I don’t think your heat is necessary, unless that’s what you want?”

Ethan’s brow furrowed and a hint of sadness bled into my joy. I hated that Jade and Theo’s bond had suffered because of what had happened to me and I sent up prayers to whoever was listening that the bond could be mended between them.

“I think I’d rather just bond when it feels right?”

Ethan looked over at Theo with adoration, and another purr rumbled to life as Theo looked back at him before scowling down at his chest.

“Fucking ridiculous.”

That sentiment made us all laugh as we teased Theo and talked more before leaving the restaurant. Ethan and I walked arm in arm down the street, bracketed safely between the Alphas as we approached Theo’s SUV. Jade opened the door for us so we could slide into the back seat as she and Theo had a moment outside before they moved into the front seats.