“Before Ethan comes down from getting ready, I wanted to talk about bonding him into the pack. A lot has changed since we talked about it last. Where does everyone stand?”

Theo’s eyes shifted to Shae, silently urging them to back him up.

“You all know the Tough Guy and I want Ethan in the pack but bonding is a huge step. For me, it has to be a unanimous yes or we wait until it is unanimous.”

I squeezed Shae’s hand gently and sent gratitude down the bond before speaking.

“I am not there with Ethan, but I don’t object to anyone else bonding him, if they’re ready.”

Jade nodded then looked between Theo and Trevor before Trevor hung his head. Dampness clouded his scent, shame trying to steal the progress he’d made.

“I know I’ve apologized to all of you individually for the way I’ve acted, and that I still need to apologize to Ethan. He’s pack, I know that. I won’t stand in anyone’s way anymore but I—I don’t deserve that with him yet. I owe him too many apologies and need to earn his trust before I can earn his friendship or anything more.”

Jade leaned over and pressed a kiss to Trevor’s cheek, whispering something to him as Theo squeezed his brother’s shoulder. Jade pulled away from Trevor and squared her shoulders, voice resolute.

“I’m ready to bond Ethan, but I think Theo should get to first.”

We’d mostly been dancing around the changes in Theo and what that could mean for him and for the pack.

“Is that something you think you can do, Theo?”

Theo shrugged at my question before blowing out a breath and turning sorrowful eyes to Jade.

“I don’t know. We haven’t said anything before now but whatever effect that shit had on my body all but destroyed my bond with Jade. There’s almost nothing left of that connection. We talked about trying to bond again and see if I can bond her with a bite the way Trevor did.”

Profound sadness rolled through me. I couldn’t distinguish how much of it was coming from myself and how much was coming from my bond with Shae. There were also notes of guilt coming from them and I wouldn’t allow that. Before I could say anything, Jade had moved from the stools to where we sat and gripped Shae’s chin firmly.

“None of that. No guilt. None of this is your fault and it will be fine. Do you hear me, love?”

Shae blinked back a few tears before letting out a breath and nodding. Jade dropped a kiss on their forehead before walking back over to Theo and leaning back against his chest. His arms draped around her middle and he pressed a quick kiss to the side of her neck.

“So far, I have been experiencing all aspects of an emerging Alpha. Jade and I will test the bond out before we say anything about it to Ethan. I don’t want him to feel bad if I can’t bond with him or feel guilty for taking any other bonds. But first, we need to make sure he’s ready for this step too.”

Bits of excitement began to filter through Shae’s side of the bond until they were nearly bouncing as they spoke.

“We should take him to dinner at Ashton’s, we can get a private room and we can talk to him about it.” Their face scrunched up thoughtfully, bringing a smile to my face as they turned to look between me and Trevor. “Would you two want to be there though?”

Trevor shook his head.

“No, this is for the four of you right now, I think. Miles and I will find our own way with Ethan, in our time, but we won’t get in the way either.”

I nodded, agreeing with Trevor, but something didn’t quite sit right with me about it. Shae could sense my apprehension and gently questioned through the bond.

“I think that I would like to spend some time with Ethan, not at the dinner and, um, not with anyone else. If that’s alright?”

Before Shae or the others could say something, we heard Ethan’s steps on the stairs and all eyes turned to the doorway that led to our kitchen and family area. He came into the space wearing a deep green hoodie that made the green in his hazel eyes more prominent and dark washed jeans. The smile on his face fell when he realized we were all watching his every move, he tugged his backpack over his shoulder and his eyes darted between each of us.

“Is everything alright?”

The nervousness in his voice set off a chain reaction of assurances and Jade moved from Theo’s embrace to wrap herself around Ethan’s side.

“Everything is fine. We were just trying to figure out schedules and things for the week. Theo will take you to classes today and stay with you. We’d like to take you to dinner tomorrow, if that’s alright?”

“I have a meeting with my advisor today about my extensions and finals since the semester is almost over, but I should know more tonight.”

I cleared my throat and caught Ethan’s gaze, avoiding the others.

“If it’s okay with you, I’d like to pick you up from class. We can grab dinner or something on the way home?”