Nate went across the hall to talk to Aubrey’s bodyguard, and I started to walk along the hall to the living room. I got as far as the end of the hall, when I heard the low murmur of Trevor’s voice, and I paused, still out of sight. Peeking out of my hiding spot, I saw Trevor and my mom standing together. Trevor was in front of her with his head bowed and his eyes closed, almost like he was in pain. Mom held one of his giant hands in hers and her other hand was pressed to his cheek. Trevor’s scent had taken on the damp forest notes that I learned to associate with him being sad or ashamed. The scene tugged hard at something inside me, calling for me to go and comfort him, but I still didn’t know if he would be comfortable with that.

“Come and talk to me sometime, yes?”

Trevor nodded at my mom’s words, and I was even more confused than I’d been a moment before. Mom dropped her hands and I stepped out from my hiding spot. She met me halfway to give me a hug.

“I’ll try to come visit tomorrow. I know Nate is here, but I’ll ask Jade if there’s a way to work out another bodyguard for when you’re outside the apartment or?—”

“I already called Jade.” My head snapped around to Trevor as he spoke. “Daniels is staying until the night security measures are in place and he will remain Aubrey’s security when she’s outside the building. We will also get someone assigned for Marisol’s protection, that she can approve or reject, until she finds someone she is comfortable with.”

“Thank you, dear. That does go a long way to help my peace of mind.”

Mom subtly nudged my ribs, and I closed my mouth which had been hanging open, again. I’d thought Trevor was just politely helping, because he felt like he couldn’t say no after our shit-show of family drama. Making sure my mother and sister had protection, and coordinating it, was something that I would have expected from Theo or Jade, but not him. Clearing my throat, I parroted my mom’s thanks and could have sworn I saw a blush start to shade Trevor’s cheeks before he turned to leave the apartment with me trailing after him.



My skin crawled from the scents assaulting me. It took all my self-control not to rip out the IV line that was still in the crook of my elbow and check myself out of this fucking hospital.

Jade had stayed with me most of the day but then had to leave to handle shit with the doctors and nurses. Trevor was supposed to meet her to help with whatever was going on with the hospital, then she’d said she would come back to eat dinner with me. I had been texting back and forth with Ethan throughout the day but he got quiet around dinner time. Jade came back to sit with me to decide what food we would get after the meeting bullshit. That distracted me again until Trevor called her, asking for permission to arrange indefinite protection for Ethan’s mom and sister.

His call sparked a ton of questions, and we learned about Ethan’s dads going into full villain mode. It was only Trevor’s reassurance that he had everything handled and that Ethan needed to focus on his family that kept Jade and I from charging over to be with him. Trevor said he would drop Ethan off at our house and come to the hospital to spend the night with me. Jade left shortly after Trevor’s call saying that she needed to be at the house when Ethan got there because Miles and Shae were planning on seeing Cat before visiting hours ended. Ethan being alone, even if it was at the house, wasn’t something any of us would tolerate until we’d eliminated the threats hanging over our pack.

I was trying to watch some show that Ethan and Shae loved about an Alpha doctor that solves crimes in a small Australian town while he secretly pines after the widowed Omega who helps his practice. It wasn’t distracting me like I’d hoped. The show wasn’t terrible, but I wouldn’t have picked it on my own and I kept thinking about how much better it would be with Ethan curled up against me on the couch.

Someone rapped against the mostly closed door to my room and Trevor walked in with two bags of take out before I had time to say “come in” or “fuck off” or anything. He kicked the door closed and dropped into the chair closest to the bed, tossing a bag to me. The motion caused the air to stir and I caught the scent of cinnamon rolls lingering on him. A low growl crawled up my throat. Trevor paused from unwrapping his shawarma and gave me an understanding look.

“Take a deep breath, man. Let your senses recognize how little of your Omega’s scent is on me. I drove him to his mom’s old house and then home from her new one. I didn’t touch him.”

I did as Trevor instructed, pulling air in deeply through my nose. I thought it would be hard to distinguish between Ethan’s scent, Trevor’s, and all the others from the hospital that kept assaulting my senses. However, Ethan’s faint cinnamon roll perfume came in clearly. It was like my body was so attuned to him that it could find him anywhere. Trev had been right though; my hindbrain was appeased that the scent wasn’t stronger. I was equal parts embarrassed and annoyed with myself. I hung my head as I reached into the bag for my own sandwich.

“Sorry. Even if you had… touched him. I shouldn’t have reacted like that. We’re both bonded to Jade," I ignored the pang of fear that shot through me over our missing bond and what that meant for my future, “and I’ve never felt possessive of her.”

Trevor shrugged as he chewed, as if it was no big deal but I could see the tension in him. He had been working hard to claw his way back to us and I knew his feelings toward Ethan were changing. Whether he was ready to act on those changes was another story, but I wouldn’t stand in his way when that day came. He swallowed and looked in the direction of the door, not really taking anything in as much as avoiding my gaze as he spoke.

“I think it’s different with Jade because she’s an Alpha, too, and there’s no doubt that she can take care of herself. So that hindbrain part doesn’t trip with her. Also, Ethan has been through hell and he’s your Omega. Your instincts are going to go fucking insane making you want to do anything to make his life perfect.”


He did look at me then, one brow raised.


“You said Jade’s an Alpha, too.”

“Yeah, too. Everything you are describing sounds like how I felt when my designation emerged. Remember that kid who made Talia cry?”

I chuckled because I definitely remembered that time. I’d been fourteen, Trev had been a new Alpha at sixteen, and Talia, our little sister was ten.

“You broke his nose. Mom and Dad panicked that you’d get arrested or something, but they just chalked it up to you being a protective Alpha.”

“Talia didn’t emerge as an Omega for years after that but, even then, my instincts to protect her went beyond what most of the guys I knew felt about their younger siblings.” He rubbed the back of his neck and dropped his eyes to mine. “I know I fucked up with Ethan, I do. I want to fix it but the way that my Alpha instincts make me want to dance to his tune still scares me some. But I’m trying, Theo. You have nothing to worry about from me. I’d never hurt him again.”

I didn’t like seeing him torturing himself like this.

“Talk to him when you’re ready, Trev. I think I get it a little better now. I’d be a fuckin’ liar if I said there weren’t times that I wanted to be an Alpha more than just about anything. Being with Ethan during his heat and not being able to really help him, not being able to claim him like an Alpha would have? Brutal. But now, there are things that are changing and I’m—fuck, I’m scared.”

Trev moved to sit on the bed and gripped my shoulder as I breathed through all the emotions running through me.