Trevor ended the call and slipped his phone away before handing me a coffee and kissing my cheek. He rubbed his stubbly cheek along my temple, marking me with his scent, as he moved away. I smiled into my coffee, taking a sip, before wrinkling my nose.

“Ugh. You know how some women say you don’t remember how painful having a baby is? Like it’s some psychological trick to get you to keep having babies? I think the same thing happens with hospital coffee. I always forget how absolutely shitty it is until I drink it again.”

Trevor laughed lightly as he gathered up his things.

“Going to tell me why you’re heading into the office?”

“Sorry, got lost in my own thoughts there for a minute. Cole’s had some kind of breakthrough about why they had such a hard time finding Shae and the others. I’m going to go in and see if I can help him follow the breadcrumbs.”

“Do you want to see if Ethan can come in too?”

Trevor froze, for just a moment, as he was reaching for his keys. He recovered quickly enough that most people wouldn’t have noticed the way his brain glitched at the mention of our Omega.

“No, let him stay with Shae. Cole and I can muddle through this. It may turn out to be nothing.”

“Promise me you’ll have Cole ask Ethan to come in if he thinks it’ll help.”

Trevor came to stand in front of me, placing a hand on my hip and squeezing as he leaned down to give me a gentle kiss.

“I promise. I’m trying, really, I am, love. The therapist is helping me. I’m going to talk to Ethan about everything, soon.”

I went up on my toes and nipped at his lips to lighten the moment as I sent love and pride down the bond.

“I’m so proud of you, Trev.”

“I love you.”

“Love you, too. Now go find me some answers and call me if you need me. I’ll wait here until they discharge Theo and then I’ll take him home.”

Trevor shrugged on his backpack and went over to the bathroom door. The sound of the shower had stopped but the faucet was running. He rapped hard on the door.

“I’m going to work, dickhead. Try not to let someone get the jump on you while I’m gone.”

I shook my head, grinning, as I waited for Theo’s reply. It came through, only slightly muffled.

“Fuck off, Trev. Go back to your nerd cave and make a PowerPoint or whatever the fuck it is you do.”

I was pretty sure that was their version of “I love you” since there were witnesses. Both of those idiots were much more emotionally evolved than this particular conversation made it seem. Men were weird.

“Miss Owens!”

I sighed when I heard a woman call out to me as I was walking away from the vending machines, heading back to Theo’s room. Despite thinking that Theo would be discharged today, we’d been disappointed to find out they’d decided to keep him in for another night due to concerns about elevations in several of his blood test results. He’d growled at the nurse who delivered the news. I’d thought he might rip the cannula from his arm and charge out of there in all his bare assed glory, but I was able to talk him down. It’d helped that Ethan had called my cell right about then to check in on Theo. I’d been able to pass the phone over and tell him to talk to our Omega while I went to the vending machines to get some snacks.

Turning toward the woman, I recognized the nurse from that first night—the one who’d also helped me this morning. She hustled toward me, eyes darting along the hall, fidgeting with her scrubs and ducking her head as another nurse passed. My hackles rose as I waited to see if she was going to fuck up my day or if I was going to fuck up hers.

“Yes…? Sorry, I don’t think I got your name.”

“Courtney. But that’s okay, I just—look, your pack seems to have been through a lot and you all seem really nice—growly, but nice—so I felt like I needed to warn you.”

“Warn me about what?”

Courtney flinched at the dominance that had leached into my voice.

“I don’t want to get in trouble, but… that doctor from the night you all came in, who tried to make your Omega leave?”

Dr. Thomas. Yes, I remembered him. He’d been a self-righteous prick and I’d happily scared him into scurrying away from my pack. I nodded and her shoulders lost a little of their tension before she continued.

“I heard him talking to a few other doctors about Mr. Owens, and the Omegas that came in at the same time. He wants to get the hospital involved somehow. He said he thinks if they can study them more or get consent to use the data that they already have, they could make names for themselves.”