I nodded and Shae’s shoulders sagged. Jade pulled Shae against their chest and I wanted to fix it. I needed to know what was wrong with my Beta but they were silent, just shaking in a mixture of anger and fear.

Trevor’s brows were pulled together as he came to stand next to me and wrapped my wrist in the loop of his thumb and pointer finger. It was as oddly comforting as when Theo gripped the back of my neck.

“I need you to tell us what’s going on, love.”

“That’s—I would need Cat to confirm but, I think that’s the woman that we pulled over for, the night they took us.” They turned to Jade and swallowed hard. “The one we thought had been assaulted.”

Trevor stiffened beside me and looked around to see what woman Shae was talking about. I hated that he’d have to face her again, even if it was just her name. Hated that she’d hurt someone else that I loved. Shae turned their face from the computer screen and looked at their Alpha.

“She smiled, Jade. When we ran to her and tried to check her for injuries, she smiled. I’d forgotten that.”

Jade’s growl was a low and lethal thrum between the four of us and I knew that if Jade ever got her hands on that Omega, she’d suffer for everything she’d done. She turned to me and Trevor with a plea in her eyes and I nodded and made a slight shooing motion.

Trevor moved to follow them, but I twisted my hand as he released my wrist and gripped his fingers. He shot me a questioning look when I tugged on his hand as I sat back down.

“Ethan, what’s going on? I need to follow Jade, help her with Shae?—”

“Trevor, we need to call the cops. Have you had contact with Jack or should we call Theo?”

“I have his number as well. But why?”

I chewed on the corner of my lip and twisted my hands in my lap.

“I haven’t been including pictures of Poppy on our boards and things because I didn’t want it to be something you had to see every day. But, just now, Shae saw?—”

Trevor shot to his feet, a mirror of what Shae had done, but it was only Alpha rage rolling off him, no fear.

“It was her? The woman Shae talked about luring them that night?”

I nodded and slowly stood, wanting to comfort him but not knowing if it would help or make it worse. He stood there, chest heaving for a moment before he collapsed into the chair. His face was devoid of expression.

“I should have pushed for her to be locked up or charged or something. But I just wanted to forget. Now she’s out there hurting more people, hurting Shae.”

I whined and gave in to the need to touch him. Sliding into his lap, my legs on either side of his hips, I wrapped my arms around his neck and focused on a purr that was meant to soothe. Trevor melted into me, moving his arms around my back and crushing me against his chest as he buried his face into my neck.

“We can’t blame ourselves. They are the evil people here, Trevor. Playing the ‘what if?’ game will only hurt more.”

I rubbed my cheek and jaw lightly against his temple, marking him with my scent. He let out a deep breath before leaning back and looking into my eyes, the pain that had been in his gaze now hardened to resolve. Pressing a soft kiss to my lips, he moved his hands to my hips and patted in what I thought was a sign to stand.

“Need to call Jack from my office, beautiful. Want to come with me?”

I nodded and made to climb off him but he just gripped my thighs and stood, causing me to yelp and lock my ankles around his back as he moved to his office. I caught the amused looks from Amy and Cole and my cheeks flamed. So much for professionalism. But, then again, there was a good chance that someday I’d beg for a knot or Jade’s lock while at work. It wasn’t like there was anyone here who didn’t know exactly what it meant to be a packed-up Omega. Instead I just pressed a kiss to the underside of Trevor’s jaw and tightened my grip on his neck.

His scent shifted and strengthened, not with arousal but like he was happy. He kicked the door shut behind us and dropped into his chair with enough control that I felt the flex of his muscled thighs against the back of mine and I whimpered. His pupils dilated and this time, when his scent filled my senses, it told me what he was thinking, just as much as the hardening length along the inside of his thigh. I only just kept myself from rocking against him by remembering what we were there to do. I tried to move off him, but he just pressed down on my hips to hold me in place.

“Stay. I’ll put him on speaker.”

He checked a text thread on his phone and then dialed from the one on his desk, pressing the speaker button before leaning back into his chair. I stayed still, perched on his thighs, fighting the urge to grind down and whine. One of his hands began to move outside my hoodie, slowly moving up and down along my spine as the line trilled.


“This is Trevor Owens and Ethan West. We’d been told to contact you if we found anything pertinent to your investigation?”

“What did you find?”

Trevor opened his mouth but then closed it clenching his jaw so I interjected.

“We were looking through the public accounts and media mentions of Poppy Cabot, the bonded Omega to pack Jackal, when our pack’s Beta saw the photos. They recognized her. In their statement, there should be mention of a woman that lured their ambulance off the road. Shae and their EMT partner believed the woman to be in distress but it quickly became apparent that it was a ploy. Shae identified Poppy Cabot as the woman who drew them into the ambush that night.”