Page 10 of Wicked Billionaire

I gave myself a few more seconds to enjoy his touch before I moved away and practically ran to my desk. Now that all my senses were completely filled with Jareth I needed space to clear my head.

“Hazel.” His warning tone alerted me that he was waiting for a reply and had followed my hurried escape. He was not good with waiting.

I dropped my purse into my desk drawer, along with my laptop bag, being sure to remove my computer and place it on my desk before answering him. “My house flooded yesterday.”

He leaned his hip against the edge of my light wooden desk. A frown marred his chiseled face as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I had to bite my lip so I didn’t sigh. I’d gotten pretty good at hiding my attraction to him over the years, but since our kiss at the Christmas party, I didn’t know how to act since he clearly knew how I felt now.

“Why didn’t you call me?” he demanded.

I shrugged. “What would you have been able to do?”

The continued silence, a tactic he used regularly, forced me to look up. His raised eyebrow mocked me. Reminding me he had more money than God.

I shrugged. “Okay, but seriously, Jareth, it’s not your concern.”

He frowned. “How is it not my concern when it’s made you late for work?”

My throat tightened painfully. I should’ve known it was more about my job performance than being concerned about my welfare. You are just an employee, I chanted to myself. It was my turn to raise an eyebrow. I crossed my arms over my chest, mimicking his stance. “I’m never late. And you have access to your calendar just like I do. You’re a smart man. I think you could’ve figured things out.”

He rubbed a hand over his forehead. A move I rarely saw him do. Jareth was like a rock. Stoic and strong. He never let his emotions show. I relented with my snarky comments. He really was a nicer guy than he let most people believe. And maybe I was seeing what I wanted, but I was pretty sure his gruffness was to hide his worry about me.

I laid a hand on his forearm. “It’s going to be fine. I should’ve called you to let you know I was running late.”

He gave a terse nod. “Everything’s all worked out?”

I bit my lip, turned back to my computer, and started it up.

“Hazel.” He was like a dog with a bone.

“It will be. Once a stupid plumber calls me back,” I muttered.

“Who have you called?”

At his sharp tone, my eyes rose to meet his furious stare. I stood up so fast my chair ran into the curve of my desk. “No, nope. I’m not going to tell you.”

The frown on his face deepened. “Tell me.”

“Jareth, you can’t go after the people who didn’t call me back.” I’d seen what he was like when a business displeased him. He’d accumulated a lot of power over the years. I’d rather he used it for good instead of evil when it came to me.


I laid my hand on his chest immediately realizing my mistake. Sugar honey iced tea! My eyes lingered on where my fingers rested against him wishing I was free to do this all the time. I had to hold back the shudder that fought to break free at the electricity that arced and tingled through me at such a tiny, innocent touch. I also didn’t miss how his body tensed at the contact. I quickly dropped my hand, and my heart squeezed in pain at his rejection. “I, um, it’ll be fine. I have plenty of people I can call.” I didn’t, but he didn’t need to know that.

A soft sigh escaped his lips, and I watched as he forced each muscle to relax. His gaze narrowed, and a slight smirk lifted the corners of his mouth. He had no idea how that faint smile lit up places in my body and made them spark with desire. Heat filled my cheeks. I quickly sat down and turned away from him so he wouldn’t notice.

“What if we make a deal?” His silky, smooth voice washed over me.

“A deal?” I bit my lip. A deal with Jareth typically held some kind of string attached.

“I won’t find out who you’ve called and create problems for them if you let me find an acceptable plumber.”

I faced him, sure my suspicion was clear on my face. “So, I let you make a few calls and secure someone to come to my house, and we’re good?”

“Yes.” Why did I feel like there was a small asterisk at the end of that sentence with something I didn’t know I was agreeing to?

I groaned. Inside my mind, I debated the pros and cons. He didn’t need my help to find out who I called. My cell phone was company property, and even if it wasn’t, he had his ways. If I was being honest, a big part of me was happy to let go and let him handle the situation, even if the other part hated wanting to rely on him.