Page 75 of Wicked Billionaire

“She stayed in the background. Said she didn’t want to intrude.” Bill cleared his throat. “We all suspected she was in love with him.”

I clenched my teeth so tight I thought they might break. I wanted my time with Hazel, but at what cost? Would she one day attend my funeral upset about the time she wasted, hoping I’d change my mind about having something long-term with her?

Bill shuffled through the rest of the photos, stopping at the last one. “This was a tough day. Terri, me, and a few of the guys from the factory got together to mourn your dad and have a drink.” He listed off everyone’s name in the picture.

I stood. I’d had enough of this traipsing down memory lane. “We should get going. I don’t want to take any more of your time.”

Bill’s startled gaze volleyed between me and Hazel before he nodded and held out the stack of pictures. “Why don’t you take these?”

I froze. The photos brought up feelings I wasn’t sure I wanted to revisit.

“Listen, I’ve got the doubles around here. These would just get thrown out.” Bill waved them at us.

When I still didn’t take them from Bill, Hazel reached around me to pluck them from his grasp. “Thank you so much for your hospitality.”

“Anytime. I’m happy you decided to stop by.” Bill shook our hands and waved us out the door.

On the way back to the villa, silence filled the car as I stared out the window. I finally remembered seeing a tired, pale face surrounded by bright red hair at my dad’s funeral. So steeped in my grief I didn’t think anything of it. Yet now, seeing my dad’s relationship with Gena almost mirror me and Hazel, I knew what I had to do.

I twined Hazel’s fingers with mine. I’d tell Hazel we were over when we got back to the villa. Even knowing I was going to end our fledgling relationship, I was a selfish bastard. I wanted the comfort of her touch one more time.



We arrived back at the Villa just before dinner. My head whirling with the seemingly insignificant information I’d learned from Bill and the crushing disappointment that I still didn’t have any answers to my father’s death.

I stood by the open slider that looked out over the infinity pool in our backyard.

“We should go for a swim.” Hazel tucked herself under my arm.

I didn’t make a move to embrace her. My body screamed at me to pull her close and not let go, but my mind went round and round about a future where Hazel ended up hating me and regretting our time together.

She was too vital and vibrant to spend her life wanting one thing and getting another.

“You are officially thinking too hard right now,” she said. She wrapped her arm around my waist and rested the other on my abs.

I kept my hands by my side. It would be easier if we cut ties now. “I’m thinking that maybe we should end our trip early. I have a lot of work I’m behind on and I’m sure David will be done with your house soon.” David had messaged me that morning and said her place should be done in the next week.

“What happened to staying here and celebrating Christmas?” she asked. There was no inflection to her tone. It was oddly neutral.

I moved back and took the remaining steps across the patio to stand at the water’s edge. The infinity pool appeared to disappear into the ocean and the bright blue sky seemed to mock me.

“So you’re going to ignore me.” I tensed when I unexpectedly heard Hazel behind me, which only showed the frame of mind I was in. No one approached me without me knowing it.

I stared at the sky, waiting for her to leave.

“I want to kiss you. Then I’ll go on my way.” Unease skittered through me. I knew Hazel. She had something up her sleeve.

I didn’t bother turning around. “What do you honestly think that will accomplish?” I forced myself to sound bored.

“I don’t ask you for much, Jareth. You at least owe me this.” I’d expected her to cry or yell at me about how I was making a mistake. But Hazel wasn’t like other women. It was one of the many reasons I was drawn to her.

“If that’s what it’ll take for us to leave then fine. I’ll give you what you want.” I turned slowly to her, careful to keep my face void of any expression.

When her soft, understanding eyes met mine, I wanted to tell her I changed my mind. But it was best if I let her go now before it was too late and I wasn’t strong enough to make this same choice. I tensed my muscles to stop myself from grabbing her by the waist and yanking her close.

She stared up at me, a pensive look on her face, before it broke out into a devilish smile. When her fingers skimmed the edge of my shirt, I held myself still. Unfortunately, my cock did not get the message and was currently rebelling. A light breeze brushed across my stomach, as her fingers shifted to undo the buttons on my shirt. She was slowly working her way up to my chest.