Page 16 of Wicked Billionaire

I shook my head. Why did I have a bad feeling about this?



Iglanced at Jareth’s closed office. It was 6:30 p.m., and he didn’t seem to be slowing down for the night. Usually, I didn’t mind staying late, but I was exhausted. I hardly slept this weekend. Now, my stomach clenched tight with a new worry. How much I’d owe Jareth for the house repairs when it was done.

My phone dinged with an incoming text.


Did Jareth tell you that you can’t go home tonight?

What? I had nowhere else to stay. I swallowed hard. The damage must have been worse than I feared.


No, he didn’t. How bad is it?

I cringed, mentally reviewing what I had left in savings after paying for Gran’s assisted living bill this month.


It’s going to take a while. The water did a lot of damage, and when they opened up the floorboards and walls, there was old damage and wiring that Dad said should be replaced.

Panic swirled anew in my chest, and dots swam at the edge of my vision. I had to force my breath in and out to stop from hyperventilating. My gaze darted around the room, focusing on the Christmas decorations on the walls and windows before settling on the Christmas tree. My eyes stayed pinned to the cheery lights as I breathed deeply. Twice today I needed to use it to center me. Maybe I should keep it up all year long.


You know you can stay with me if you need to.

I loved Avery for offering, but I hated to impose on my friends. My grandmother had instilled in me that we fix our own problems. Not to rely on others for help. Yet my credit card limit was dangerously close to the higher end. I couldn’t afford an extended hotel stay.


I’m still at work, but I’ll get back to you about that. I’ll need to stop by and grab clothes and stuff.


Sorry, Hazel, but my dad said that’s not a good idea. They’ve ripped up a lot of the living room. It’s too dangerous to get to the stairs.

What was I going to do if I couldn’t get my things? My breath hitched once again.


Thanks for letting me know. I’ll figure something out.

My gaze flicked over to Jareth’s closed door again. Crap on a cracker. Why hadn’t he told me about my house? He had to know what an upheaval this would be for me. Was it that he cared more about keeping me at work to get things done than to give me time off to figure out my next steps?

An uncharacteristic burst of anger ran through my body. If this wasn’t a reminder that Jareth only thought about himself, I didn’t know what was. I stood and clenched my hands by my side. I wanted to hit something, and right now, Jareth was my likely target. With fast-moving feet, I skirted around my desk and reached his door in record time. My blistering gaze practically burned a hole through the beautiful light wood.

I should’ve figured out my living situation well before now. Not that he cared one bit. I tapped my foot as I gathered my thoughts. My heart tugged and twisted in sadness. I’d shown over and over how loyal I was, that I’d do anything he asked, in love and business, but it was becoming readily apparent that maybe this relationship was even more one-sided than I imagined. I was beginning to believe the Christmas party had been a complete aberration.

Well, he’d soon learn he couldn’t push me around. I was going in there to give him a piece of my mind before I stormed out. I uncurled the fist of my right hand and grasped the knob, only to stumble forward when it twisted under my grip.

Jareth’s large hands wrapped around my biceps, steadying me.

I hated the flutter of attraction that began to replace the anger in my belly. I frowned and shook him off. He was not going to distract me.