Page 99 of Wicked Billionaire

“I want your blessing and Lacey’s, but I don’t need it. This is for Hazel. And for her I’d do anything.”

Some of the anger eased from her face at my confession. “I’m holding you to that.”

“I’d expect nothing else.”

Hazel’s sweet voice filled the air and my attention shifted. “Hi everyone.”

A few people yelled back and cheered for her.

Her green eyes swung to the bar clearly hoping Niki and I worked things out. I smiled and lifted my glass while Niki offered her a semi-reassuring forced smile. Hazel’s smile told me she was happy with whatever progress we’d made.

“You want to prove to me that you’re all in with her?”

I turned to face her.

Niki pointed at Hazel who had started off humming along with the intro music. “Get her noticed.”

I frowned, not quite getting what she was hinting at. “You’d need to give me additional details.”

“Hazel is one of the best singers I’ve ever heard. Ever since we were kids, she sang. She once wanted to do it as a career.”

I nodded. Hazel had an incredible voice that swept the crowd away. You could feel the emotions of the song through her cadence and the way she drew people in. It was remarkable. Not everyone was capable of doing that.

“You need to get someone from that fancy music company to take a chance on her.”

Why hadn’t Hazel come to me if this was something she wanted?

Some microexpression on my face must have alerted Niki to what I was thinking. “She won’t ask you herself. We’ve told her plenty of times, but she doesn’t want to take advantage of your connection.” If Hazel had felt that way while we were boss and employee, it was likely she’d feel even stronger now that we’d gotten involved.

I gave Niki a curt nod. “Done.”

For the first time, a genuinely warm smile crossed her face. “You do that, Vizier, and we’re good.”

“Excellent. Then could I get a glass of your Weller twelve-year bourbon.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.” Just to fuck with me she poured something only slightly better than the last and then headed over to help another customer.

I took another sip and grimaced. There was no way I could drink this. I pushed the glass away and focused on Hazel.

Hazel’s friend Lacey settled on the stool next to me. “She’s phenomenal.”

“Undoubtedly,” I responded sincerely. “Are you here for the second round of the inquisition?”

Lacey chuckled softly. “I would, but I bet Niki already covered that.”

I nodded.

“Just don’t hurt her.” Lacey’s chocolate brown eyes met mine. “Hazel might not have said it, but I can see it in her eyes. She’s all in with you. I just want you to treasure what she’s offering.”

“I do.” I liked knowing I wasn’t the only one that had Hazel’s back. “Niki said Hazel’s always wanted to sing.” My stomach twisted, knowing that Hazel hadn’t shared this with me.

“Singing makes Hazel’s soul happy. I don’t think she could ever give it up, but are you asking if she wants to do it professionally?”

“Yes.” If it was what she wanted then I would do whatever I could to make it happen.

“Yes and no. When we were younger, it was all she talked about, but as we got older, it became more of a hobby than a career.” Lacey paused to watch Hazel sing. Just her presence alone lit up the stage and laid the crowd at her feet.

“So I shouldn’t talk to my colleague about her?” I didn’t want to push Hazel to do something she didn’t want to do.