Page 72 of Wicked Billionaire

“At the market. She’ll be so sorry she missed you both.”

“That’s too bad.” It was good news for us not to have an audience if things changed direction from the pleasant welcome we currently faced. “Dex, let Hazel and Tony know they’re welcome to join us.”

Dex drew a deep breath, his baleful gaze telling me what he thought about bringing Hazel into the house. He and I were on the same page, but saying anything otherwise would raise suspicion.

“So, what brings you all to Bali?” Bill asked while we waited.

“Just a romantic getaway for Hazel and myself.”

“And those guys?” Bill gestured toward Tony and Dex, who escorted Hazel our way.

“Are around as an insurance policy. I’ve made enemies over the years.”

“Huh.” His guileless response was unexpected.

Hazel, now only feet from us, had pasted on a nervous smile. I wanted to tell her to return to the car and stay there.

“Hi, honey.” Once she crossed the threshold, the false brightness of her tone had me immediately by her side.

I took her hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Hello, Sunshine.”

“Come, let’s sit down.” Bill led the way into the living room.

Hazel let out a shaky breath and ducked her head into the crook of my arm.

“Everything will be okay,” I whispered, nuzzling her neck.

She shivered. “I know.”

With a hand on her back, I positioned her at the end of the couch closest to the door and sat beside her, letting Tony and Dex settle themselves on the large couch across from us. Bill sat in one of the armchairs to my left.

“Do you have a bathroom I can use?” Tony asked.

“Of course. Let me show you where it is.”

I kissed the top of Hazel’s head and muttered under my breath, “Tony will give the place a once-over. If he’s concerned, he’ll say he got an emergency text from the hotel.”

Bill entered the room with a smile that seemed a permanent fixture on his face. I vaguely remembered my father commenting that his friend always found the brighter side of things. It was hard to imagine he had a hand in my father’s death after seeing him again. However, if experience had taught me anything, it would have been that people often weren’t what they seemed.

He sat back down. “This is a wonderful surprise.”

“It is. You have a lovely home,” Hazel said, her gaze taking in the open-concept space, which included the kitchen beyond this room and a dining room overlooking a small inground pool. A large open doorway let in a breeze on this hot and humid day.

“Thank you. Hazel, right?”

She nodded, her shoulders relaxing a bit more. “We’re so sorry to barge in on you like this.”

I lightly squeezed her hand again to let her know she was doing great.

“Not a problem. I think the last time I saw Jareth was at his dad’s funeral.” Bill’s perpetual smile faded. A definite sadness filled his eyes. “Your dad was a good man.”

I cleared my throat. I’d known going into this that we’d have to mention my father. “I remembered you two being friends.”

“We were. His loss hit me hard.” Bill shook his head. “I can’t believe how much you look like him.”

I wanted to comment, but the words stuck in my throat. It had been so long since I talked about my dad. I thought it would be easier than this.

“What made you decide to move here?” Hazel asked, filling the silence.