Page 71 of Wicked Billionaire

“I’ll be okay,” I whispered.

The curt lift of his chin broke my heart. He didn’t know what he was walking into, but he was willing to do whatever it took to find justice. I just hoped it didn’t take his soul.




I cursed myself once again for allowing Hazel to ride with us to Bill’s house. I should’ve stood my ground and refused to let her come. It didn’t matter that she threatened to follow us. I could have found a way to keep her there.

Dex and I moved along the driveway. I slowed down my pace so I could discreetly take in the surroundings. A small, well-manicured front yard lay to the left of us, shielded from neighbors on either side by enormous coniferous trees. A large, well-used double-person swing with a faded red cushion swung gently in the breeze.

Amelia had sent specs of the house and it appeared only one of the two residents currently inhabited the premises. Although two people were listed on the deed, Bill and his wife. I didn’t ask how she was able to access real-time information like that. It was best I didn’t know. The gun at my back lay heavy against my spine. I didn’t want to use it if I didn’t have to. Partially because Hazel was here, and I didn’t need her to see that side of me. The other was because I hoped to get the information we came for without bloodshed.

I’d grown tired of being so heavy-handed in my dealings. I wasn’t a kid on the street who had to ruthlessly prove myself or use back-alley methods to keep my place in a company—I was the company. It was hard to let go of who I’d been for so long, but Hazel made me long for something different.

I drew in a breath and lifted my hand to knock on the thick, carved wooden door. I kept an eye on it, knowing Dex had my back. With no immediate response, I rapped my knuckles one more time.

Slowly, the door opened to reveal a man of average height, his salt-and-pepper hair cut short, and a faint flicker of recognition lit his eyes.

“Idris?” he asked, disbelief and a slack jaw revealing he had no idea we were coming. “God, Jareth? You look just like your dad.”

“Bill?” I asked as though I hadn’t seen his photo in the file Amelia sent me.

“Yeah. Wow. What’re you doing here?” He peeked behind me, noticing Dex. “Why don’t you both come in? This is such a wonderful surprise.”

“That would be great,” I answered with a well-practiced smile.

As Dex entered behind me, I walked past Bill, keeping my back to the wall. As Bill closed the door, he stopped short. My hand slid to my spine and Dex’s went to the front of his suit jacket, making me wish I’d changed into one myself before we left. It made concealing a firearm far easier. But a suit seemed out of place if I was trying to look like a carefree guy on vacation.

“Anything wrong?” I discreetly looked behind him to the still-empty yard, then to the empty living room.

“Do you have someone else with you?” He shielded his eyes from the sun, squinting toward the car.

I’d learned long ago to shed any nerves in high-stress situations. I’d honed a cool, calm persona that allowed me to keep a clear head. People joked that I was more robot than human, wondering how I stayed so unaffected. The reality was that I had nothing to lose, and I couldn’t fear something that didn’t exist.

Now, that wasn’t the case.

A chill skated down my spine. Hazel.

“Is that your girlfriend? Or wife. You must be married by now.”

I couldn’t tell if Bill was just being friendly or fishing for information. This was what a suspicious mind did to you.

My hand inched closer to the gun.

Bill waved toward the car. “She’s welcome to join us.”

My heart thundered in my chest.

Dex glanced at me, waiting for my instructions.

“We didn’t want to impose on you or your time.” I’d rather keep Hazel away from here.

Bill faced me and gave an exaggerated wince. “My wife would never let me hear the end of it if she knew I let your girl stay in the car.”

“And your wife is… ”