Page 54 of Wicked Billionaire

“I know. You have that list of all the places you want to travel to.” I loved how well he knew me. It eased my irritation the tiniest bit.

“I do, but even taking me to one of my dream destinations doesn’t excuse the fact that you’re making me miss the holidays with my family.” I settled my disappointed gaze on him. He at least had the decency to flinch.

“I can fly your Gran to meet us here.” At least he was offering a suggestion.

“She can’t make a flight like that by herself.” Gran was in decent health but without the use of her legs it was too dangerous for her to travel alone.

“We can include your friends Niki and Lacey. Their whole family if you wish.”

“I know you think you’re helping, but uprooting everyone’s lives to make this better isn’t the way to do it.”

His eyes flashed. “I’m not sending you back.

“You will if I tell you too.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“When did you get so bossy?” A rakish smirk settled on his lips.

I decided to give him this moment. There was nothing we could do while we were in the air. I’d make my decision when we got to the resort and I called my family. “When I started to work for you. You’re the only one I feel comfortable enough to challenge.”

His chest puffed up as though I’d paid him the highest compliment.

“You like that I argue with you?” I was utterly baffled by his response.

“Nobody else does. Well, except for Jess, but she doesn’t count. She challenges everyone.” He shifted in the seat and flicked his wrist in a come here gesture to someone behind us.

My eyes grew wide as I tried to wiggle off his lap. I needed to get out of this compromising position. I’d known his flight crew for the past three years and had established myself as a professional. I didn’t need them to think I had this job because I slept with the boss.

Jareth’s hands tightened, not allowing me to move.

Shoot me now.

I couldn’t back down or show any fear. Or was it a lack of confidence? Either way, I needed to pretend this situation didn’t bother me. I was so angry with Jareth that I didn’t notice which staff was on board. I desperately hoped it wasn’t Katia. She and Jareth had gotten close. I had a feeling this would not only be awkward, but a slap in her face. Katia didn’t deserve that.

“Katia.” Jareth said as her muffled steps grew closer.

Internally I cringed and took a breath. “Hi, Katia. So nice to see you again,” I said, my voice overly perky. Ugh, I was making this situation so much worse.

She barely paid me any mind. “Hazel. Sir, what can I do for you?”

I wanted to groan.

I had no idea what Katia was thinking about this turn of events. Jareth’s firm grip didn’t allow me to turn to face her without twisting my back into an awkward angle. Perhaps, their time together didn’t mean anything to her.

“Grab us breakfast. It’s a long flight.” Jareth sounded like his normal bossy self.

She nodded. “Of course, sir.” I wasn’t sure if it was that all my senses were heightened with my discomfort or that her voice really did sound higher than usual. “I’ll be right back with your meals.”

“Let me go,” I whisper-shouted.


“Jareth, this just got weirdly uncomfortable.”

An incredulous stare settled on his face.

I tipped my head to the galley where Katia was preparing our meal and likely spitting on mine. “Are you dense?”

He frowned.