Page 50 of Finding Teagan

Teagan thought for a second. It did, but it didn't. Was he still planning on disciplining her, then? Her butt cheeks clenched at the thought.

"Does that mean you are, uh…" she let the words fall off. She was a grown ass police detective. She had no problem threatening to shoot the man, but saying the word spanking in reference to her behind turned her into a babbling, blushing child.

"Does that mean I am going to spank you?"

"Yes, that," Teagan answered, reaching up to tug a piece of her hair.

"What do you think?"

"I hate it when you answer a question with a question," Teagan said with a frown.

"I'm not fond of you asking a question you already know the answer to," Luca countered.

"Is that a yes?" Teagan rolled off of the bed and started picking her clothes up off of the floor, avoiding Luca's penetrating gaze.

"What are you doing?" Luca stood and walked toward her.

"I have to pee," Teagan said and turned toward him. "Is that okay with you, almighty master of the universe?" she bit out sarcastically.

"Teagan Anne."


"Don't do that."

"Do what?" she asked. Turning away from him again, she tossed her bra to the side, pulling her shirt over her head. She chuckled to herself; how very Ro of her.

"Get defensive because you know you are in the wrong and you are not going to get the answer you like."

"I surely don't know what you are talking about." Luca's exaggerated sigh let Teagan know he wasn't buying it. She pulled her underwear up, frowning as the dampness hit her skin. She'd grab a fresh pair on her way to pee. She snatched up her jeans, no point in putting them on just to pull them off when she went to change her underwear, and headed out of the guest room without a backward glance at the brooding man behind her.

"Go to the bathroom, clean yourself up, and then meet me in the living room. We have a conversation to continue," Luca said to her back. Teagan didn't respond at all. She just kept walking. "That's an extra five," she heard him call after her.