Page 14 of Finding Teagan

"I thought, I mean, I suspected that there was something going on with Evie… but I had no real evidence to move on or to ask her about. Trident hates him, which was my first clue. Some of the things he does, he is a straight sleazy asshole."

"Can we help her? Do all those things you mentioned?"

"Hell, yes, we can help her. Once more, we will help her. I want to kill him. Tell me everything. Now. You can tell her I threatened you if you didn't spill."

"You didn't threaten me." Ro laughed nervously.

"Not yet, but I will if you don't tell me everything." Teagan's glare held the promise of following through with the threat.

"You have to know that we aren't keeping things from you. Hell, I wanted to send the guys after him then and there, but she swore me to secrecy," Ro started. "It was Thanksgiving, and somehow, my mom and her weird intuition set the whole thing up. Evie was changing, and I walked in and saw the bruises. She tried to cover them but wasn't fast enough, and frankly, there were too many."

"Why doesn't this surprise me? You really have to learn to knock," Teagan muttered.

"For once, my complete disregard for personal space paid off. I'm not sure if she would have told me otherwise." She shook her head. "At first, she made up excuses for the bruises, but I wasn't buying it. I kept on her until she told me about the abuse and how Branson only hits her in places she can cover with clothing. She's terrified of him, Tea. The last time she called the cops, they chatted with Branson like they were old friends and he was beating her again before the officers were out of the driveway. She said if he knew she'd told anyone, he would kill her."

"Not if I kill him first," Teagan exclaimed. She was angry. Incredibly angry.