Page 61 of Finding Teagan

Chapter 19

The next morning, Teagan rolled over beside Luca and smiled widely. It was the first Christmas holiday that Teagan could remember looking forward to. She felt like a child, she was so giddy.

"Daddy, Daddy! Wake up! It is Christmas Eve."

"Yes, darlin'. It is, isn't it?" Luca smiled at her. "You aren't supposed to be this excited until tomorrow morning."

"I can't help it." She sat up on her knees and looked down at him. "What are we doing today?"

"The others will be here for a late lunch and gift exchange, and then they will go their separate ways. Remember, Evie said she only has a couple hours. She is sneaking away under the guise of last-minute Christmas shopping. Then, I have a couple of surprises for my baby girl. Now come here and kiss me." Trident heard the order and jumped on the bed, knocked Luca back down, and started licking his face. Teagan fell over in a fit of laughter.

The morning went quickly, the pair working to ready the house. They hung lights and decorated the tree together. They had picked it out the weekend before. Luca had allowed Teagan carte blanche with his credit card for holiday decorations. Teagan had never bothered to decorate before. She had to start from scratch. She would be lying if she hadn't been sticker shocked by the cost. A large wreath for the door, strands of lights, ornaments, garland, decorations for the fireplace. She kept the decorations classy, enough to bring the holiday spirit into the house but not to overwhelm.

"Are you ready to put the star on top?" Luca asked, stepping back to look at the sparkling tree.

"Oh, yes! But I want a selfie first! Ro will never forgive me if we don't get a picture."

"Ro and her pictures," Luca said, pulling her into his arms. He took the phone from her and grabbed a picture of them under the tree. As Teagan looked at the photo, she felt burning start behind her eyes. She almost couldn't recognize the woman in the photo wearing a soft white sweater, wrapped in these huge muscular arms with a twinkle in her eyes and an authentic smile on her face. It was the type of photo you would find inside of frames on the store shelves, picture perfect. When had this become her life? Maybe, just maybe, happily ever after existed after all.

Beep. Beep. Beep. At the sound of the alarm, Teagan shot to her feet and ran into the kitchen to remove the mini quiches from the oven. Everyone was bringing a dessert and an appetizer to share. Luca had made a trio of hot dips, spinach artichoke, Queso and taco. They had brownies baking, and Luca had made a strawberry pretzel salad that was his family's Christmas tradition.

After arranging empty platters on the bar to hold the goodies their friends were bringing, Teagan looked around the house one last time. That's when she saw it. Hanging above the fireplace was a beautifully framed and matted photograph of the six of them. Ro's mom had taken it at Thanksgiving, and Luca had hung it while she was in the kitchen.

She was unsure of the feeling that was floating around inside of her. She felt warm, and her cheeks were flushed. Her heart was pounding; her eyes were burning with the sensation. She took a deep breath in and released it slowly. She inhaled the sweet smell of freshly baked goods, took in the lights of the tree reflecting off the glass of the fireplace, then she turned, seeking, searching until she found what she needed—Luca. He stood off to the side of the room watching her. He must have recognized her need, for he opened his arms, and she ran right into them. Suddenly, she recognized the feeling. It was a feeling she had never felt before. It was the feeling of coming home.

Ding!The doorbell rang, shattering the moment. As she turned the knob, Ro popped her head around the door. "Knock-knock," she called out.

"Come on in!" Teagan responded, ignoring the mutters coming from under Luca's breath.

"Oh. Oh!" Ro turned around the room, taking it all in. "Tea, this is perfect. You did a great job." Teagan had been texting her all week getting advice and making sure she had all the necessities. One thing Teagan was the most insecure about was being a wife and mother. She had never had a good role model for either position and would be flying by the seat of her pants. She didn't know how to decorate a home for the holidays, properly set a table, address an invitation, or do many of the other formalities that came along with being an adult woman in a family.

"Do you think so?" Teagan asked.

"I do. But you forgot one very important thing. Don't worry; I brought it."

"What's that?" Teagan asked suspiciously.

"The mistletoe!" Ro clapped her hands in joy. "A house is not properly dressed for the holidays without it!" Never in Teagan's life had she had so many urges to roll her eyes before she had met Ro. As she restrained from doing so, she took the plant from Ro's outstretched hand.

"Now, where should we hang it?" Ro asked, walking around the living room. Teagan trailed her. The living room apparently didn't meet her approval, for Teagan found herself following her into the kitchen, which wasn't good enough, either.

"For God's sakes, Ro."

"What are they doing?" Luca said, loud enough to carry over to the women.

"Ro is looking for a place to hang the mistletoe," Octavius informed him, taking a swig of his beer. They watched the two women like spectators at a major sporting event.

"Ro, if you don't find a place to hang this damn plant in the next five seconds, I'm going to—"

"You can't shoot the plant, Tea," Ro interrupted.

"I was going to say flush it down the toilet."


"Now, where are we putting this?"

"Right there!" Triumphantly, Ro pointed to the curved doorway between the dining room and living room. Everyone would pass through it on the way to get food.