Page 6 of Finding Teagan

"Oh?" She looked down at her clipboard. "According to the call ahead seating chart, you are. Plus, I have a rather large to-go order here for you, pastrami on sourdough with extra cheese, two pickles, a Rueben with extra sauerkraut, an Italian hoagie, three sides of pasta salad, and—"

"Ro," Luca all but growled the name.

"So, um, are you going to join your friend?"

"It depends on her," Luca said. He fumed as he walked over to where Teagan sat.

"Hey, darlin'," he drawled. He was happy to see her. He was always happy to see her, but Ro needed to learn how to stay out of their lives. He was going to make sure Octavius impressed that upon her as soon as he got back.

Startled, Teagan turned to him, holding the menu over her face, hoping to hide her rapidly spreading blush. "Luca! What are you doing here?"

"Well, hello to you, too." He grinned at her.

"Hi." Her blush spread prettily up her neck. "What are you doing here?" she asked, a bit softer. "Is Ro with you? Did you bring the entire office?"

"It would seem like Ro arranged this little lunch date for us," he supplied with a shrug of his shoulders. "Can I sit, or should I take my lunch at the bar?"

Teagan pointed to the seat across from her, and Luca walked around and sat.

"Ro isn't coming, is she?" Teagan asked, processing the information.

"Considering she called in her, Octavius, and Jason's orders, I am going to say no."

"Are you serious? Dammit, Ro."

"Those naughty words sound ugly coming out of such a pretty mouth, darlin'," Luca admonished.

Teagan sighed. "It isn't too late to change my mind about you eating with me," she said.

"Yeah, it is. I'm already sitting." They both laughed. A moment later, the waitress appeared and took their drink orders. After deciding what to eat, Teagan put her menu down.

"What happened to your eye?" Luca glared at Teagan, awaiting an explanation.

"I took an elbow while subduing a running perp," Teagan explained, shrugging. "It isn't my first or likely my last."

"Chasing a perp? I thought you were more," Luca paused, trying to find the words without sounding offensive, "an interviewer. I was under the impression that you interviewed kids and took them to their foster homes."

"I'm a police detective, Luca. I arrest people, sometimes that includes chasing or fighting them. I specialize in crimes against children, yes, but I also work a lot with domestic violence, sexual assault and the like. All special victims fall under my purview."

"I see," Luca said, the growl noticeable in his tone. He didn't like it, not one bit. He refused to hide the developing feelings he had for Teagan, even if she fought them at every move. Luca was a protector, and the idea of not being able to protect Teagan was frustrating.

"I even get this shiny badge and pretty gun," Teagan said sarcastically as she lifted her jacket to expose them on her hip. "It's almost like I graduated from the police academy at the top of my class or something."

"That doesn't surprise me one bit," Luca said. "You're intelligent, Teagan. No one can argue that."

"But you don't think I am able to protect myself? I heard that little growl in your voice." Teagan leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Darlin'." Luca's voice lowered as he bent forward, toward her. "There is nothing little about me." He gently traced her swollen eye. "I didn't mean to imply that you couldn't take care of yourself. I'm sure you can. However, I would like to take care of you, myself, and the fact that I know I can't do that when you are on the job is frustrating."

"Are you ready to order?" The waitress appeared again, causing Luca to sit back in his seat.

He ordered quickly. Luca was a man who knew what he liked, and once he found it, he rarely, if ever, differed.

"I'd like a hot pastrami please, extra Swiss but on sourdough instead of rye," Teagan wrinkled up her nose, "and an extra pickle." The waitress walked away to the sound of Luca's deep laughter.

"What is so funny?" Teagan asked.

"That is the exact same order Ro placed. I wonder if Evie was here, if she would order the same thing, too?"