Page 55 of Finding Teagan

"I still don't know why he had to pick your sister, of all people," Octavius said, a smile splitting his face as he bent into the fridge, grabbing an armful of beers and popping the tops before handing them out.

"Don't make me regret not shooting you," Teagan muttered as everyone else laughed.

Dinner itself was a relatively normal affair. Teagan was sandwiched between Evie and Luca, and both had plenty to catch her up on, so the meal went quickly. It was after dinner, when everyone moved into the living room, that things got awkward.

The tension in the room was partly due to the chemistry between Jason and Evie. They hadn't seen each other for nearly two weeks. Jason had been more than respectful, given that she was engaged to someone else, and had kept his distance. There was a new anger radiating off of him that had done little to dissipate since finding out about Evie's abuse at the hands of the client he was hired to keep safe.

"Is everyone here?" Luca cleared his throat, demanding attention. He stood, his back against the fireplace. Octavius sat in the La-Z-Boy chair, Ro at his feet. Teagan sat next to Evie on the couch, taking her hand, knowing the conversation to come may upset her. Jason stood quietly, on the opposite side of the fireplace from Luca.

"Before we get on to the festivities, we need to bring Evelyn up to date on our plans to help her escape from the clutches of the monster we've been protecting," Luca began.

Teagan looked at the identical sister next to her. Noticing that the color had drained from her face, she squeezed her hand in encouragement.

"I'm still unsure," Evie's faint response was barely audible.

"Unsure about what?" Octavius was gentle with his question.

"About escaping. I've tried before," Evie replied.

"They know, Fancy. Remember? I told them all that," Ro said, pushing herself to stand then walking to the couch to join her sisters before sitting, sandwiching Evie in between her and Teagan.

"I just don't want anyone else to get hurt. It's bad enough, I've put myself in danger by upsetting him so much. There's no reason for the rest of you to be in harm's way."

"What do you mean by that? When you say you've put yourself in danger by upsetting him." Jason's voice was steel as he asked the question.

Evie frowned, obviously confused by the question. "I mean, I know what sets him off. I make us late, or I choose the wrong outfit, or I say the wrong thing. I'm forever doing something to embarrass him, even though I know better. If I could just learn, I wouldn't need him to—"

Before Evie finished her sentence, Jason was standing in front of them. Bending down so that he was eye level with her, he spoke. "Listen to me carefully. You are lucky that you aren't mine, or I would spank you here and now. If you ever even hint that what Montgomery has done to you is your fault again, I will paddle your ass raw. Do you understand me, Evelyn Marie Berkshire?"


"Do you understand me?" Jason's voice was calm, but the anger practically radiated off of him in waves. Teagan was shocked. She had never seen this side of him before.

"Yes, Jason," Evie answered him quietly, but without a hint of the fear Teagan was used to hearing when she spoke about Montgomery. "I understand."

"Evie, we love you. Every person in this room cares for you and wants you safe. No woman deserves to be punched, demeaned and broken down by their man. What Ro and I have is out of love, with consent, and done with reserve control. He is violent and out of control. He could kill you," Teagan said.

"That's the point, Tea. He is a dangerous and powerful man. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to any of you because of me," Evie replied.

"Evie, we love you. We'd all be willing to put ourselves at risk for you," Teagan said, scooting even closer to her side.

"But they won't." Luca glared at Teagan with his proclamation. "We," he nodded to the men, "and a couple of other well trusted employees of S.E.A.L. have worked tirelessly on an escape plan that will occur on the night of the inauguration ball. It will only work, though, Evelyn, with your full cooperation.

"She will give us her full cooperation, won't you, Evelyn?" Jason was still kneeling before her; the question more of a statement than anything.

"Yes. Yes, I will." The first yes was shaky, the second was determined.

"Good, that is settled! Can we now talk about Christmas? The white elephant exchange?" Ro asked giddily.