Page 27 of Finding Teagan

"Besides, he would know in five minutes flat that you weren't me," Evie added.

"Hey! What are you trying to say?"

Evie shrugged. "Our mannerisms are different. The way we speak, the way we walk, even the way we sit, is completely different from each other."

"I see." Teagan glared at her. "I am not as refined as you and can't pass for an educated, upper class woman."

"It doesn't matter anyway, Tea," Ro said, "it's not like Luca is going to let you—"

"Let me? Let me? What do you mean let me?" Teagan interrupted her sister, clearly offended. "Luca is not my boss. He doesn't tell me what to do. Like hell, is he going to let or not let me do anything."

"—put your life in danger. That's what I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted," Ro said.

"I don't know who she thinks she's fooling anyway," Evie said, looking at Ro. "But, it's not us."

"What is going on with you two anyway?" Ro pried.

"He gave me two days to make a decision on whether or not I want to be in a relationship with him."

"When's your deadline?" Ro asked.

"Tomorrow," Teagan muttered under her breath.

"Tomorrow?" Evie parroted. "Are you going to tell him you want to be with him?"

"Hey, this meeting isn't about me!" Teagan protested.

"Doesn't matter. It is now. What's your decision?" Evie asked.

"What do you mean 'what's her decision?' There's really only one acceptable answer," Ro said. Teagan reached around and grabbed the pillow behind her back and hit Ro with it. They all laughed.

"Back to the situation at hand," Teagan changed the topic quickly. "I have a plan. I want to set up hidden cameras around the house but specifically in Evie's bedroom. You said that is where he usually beats you?"

"Jesus, Ro. Did you tell her everything? Fine, yes, that's where he beats me," Evie confirmed, rolling her eyes before looking down at her hands, which were busy twisting the ends of her shirt into knots.

"My plan is to sneak in tomorrow while you are at the event and set up cameras. They are little, stick on ones that I can easily hide. They transmit wirelessly, so I'll need the wireless password for the internet." She looked at Evie, who nodded.

"I can text it to you."

"Do you think you can get in and out without getting caught?" Ro asked nervously.

"Yes. With Evie and Sleazy at the dinner, there will be a skeleton crew at the house. Besides, if they catch me, as long as I have Evie's permission to be there, I can't be prosecuted."

"I…" Evie caught her breath. "I'm not sure I could. I mean, of course, you have my permission, but I'm not sure I could tell anyone if you got caught." She lifted her head, the plea clear in her eyes. "He'll kill me if he finds out, Teagan. I'm sorry."

"Then I guess I shouldn't get caught." Teagan put a reassuring hand on Evie's knee.

"If you get caught, it would be by one of the men from S.E.A.L. Pretty sure, they wouldn't report you to the police," Ro said.

"True. See, nothing to worry about," Teagan said confidentially.

"I can't believe you guys are going to make me be the voice of reason. We could go to the guys, tell them what's going on. They would be more than willing to help us," Ro suggested.

"No!" Teagan and Evie said in unison.

"How do you think those Neanderthals would react to finding out he's beating Evie? They'd go all special forces on him and rip him limb from limb. As tempting as that sounds, I'd like to keep them out of prison," Teagan said.

"Neanderthals? You do realize that by this time tomorrow night, you will be dating one of those 'Neanderthals', right?" Ro's mouth was hanging open at her sister's colorful description of her husband and his best friends.