Page 26 of Finding Teagan

"You barely have anything on your plate," Ro stated accusingly to Evie as she added several heaping spoonsful to her plate.

"Too many carbs," Evie said, shrugging.

"You and your damn carbs," Teagan grumbled.

"Oh, shut it with your judgement. There are expectations I have to maintain. I'm going to be attending a lot of events as the First Lady of Oregon," she recited.

"Yeah, yeah. Our sister, the celebrity," Ro teased. They finished their dinners and moved into the living room.

Teagan cleared her throat before talking. "First, I want to let you know that Ro didn't tell me of her own accord. I guessed, so you can't be mad at her."

"What are you talking about?" Evie asked.

"I know about Montgomery hitting you," Teagan said gently.

Evie froze, and there was a flash of fear in her eyes before she pulled the shutters down, shutting them out. "I don't know what she told you," she pointed a finger at Ro, "but he is not hitting me."

"Evie, you're safe here. We love you. You don't have to deny it," Teagan responded.

"There's nothing to deny, Teagan. I'm fine." The smile she gave them was perfectly polished, and fake.

"Evie, please," Ro pleaded, reaching for her.

Jerking her hand away from Ro's touch, Evie glared at her. "I trusted you! I knew I couldn't trust you!" Teagan heard the panic and fear in Evie's tone.

"Evie, it isn't like that. Please, just hear us out," Ro plead.

"Hear you out? Why? I trusted you once, Rowena. It's a mistake I won't make again." Evie stood.

"We just want to help you," Ro begged.

"I don't need your help! I'm fine on my own!" Evie spat.

"Evie, you aren't fine. If I was to lift your shirt, what would I find?" Teagan asked. Evie's jaw dropped. She pulled the hem of her shirt down tightly, all the evidence Teagan needed. "Exactly. I'm a police officer. I've sworn to protect and defend. More importantly, I'm your sister. I can help you; we can help you."

"We just want you safe, Fancy," Ro said, tears shimmering in her eyes.

"Please don't be mad at Ro. I had figured it out before she said a word," Teagan said. Evie looked at both of her sisters and collapsed back onto the couch.

"I'm too exhausted to be mad." Evie let her head fall back against the couch

"The question is, Evie, are you ready to get the help you need to escape him?"

"It isn't that easy, Teagan. I had the courage to call the police once, and I'm sure Ro told you what happened then."

"She did. It pissed me off. On behalf of the brotherhood in blue, I apologize for failing you. If I knew who was responsible, I would have their shield—un-fucking-acceptable. I tried looking up the call, but there is no record in the system."

"Of course, there isn't," Evie said, defeated. "He's too smart and too powerful to leave a paper trail."

"No. You aren't allowed to give up. Not now, not ever." Ro got up off the floor and came over to where Evie was sitting on the couch, squishing herself between her two sisters.

"We are going to figure this out," Teagan said.

"I just don't know how. Believe me, I have spent a lot of time thinking about this. Every plan I have come up with has had multiple ways it could go wrong, putting me in the direct path of his wrath," Evie said, frustration clear in her tone.

"I think you should let me take your place. This would be over tonight," Teagan said.

"You can't just kill him in his sleep," Ro said, shaking her head.