Page 8 of Two/Face

Shit has he been following me?

Every hair on my body stands up on end as the thought of him raping and killing me here in this alleyway sends my soul into a spiral. Shuffling back slightly, he allows the light to reflect off his knife, drawing my attention to the shiny blade.

“You’re in big trouble, Summer.” His tone is haunting and sarcastic. His sinister smile stays etched on his face, whilst he continues. “You can’t just walk away from Mr. Maine without repercussions.”

I swallow hard as my hands dig into the dirt. My eyes don’t move from the man while he blocks my exit from the alleyway and continues his taunts.

“What do you want?” I ask with fake confidence, knowing as the figure cocks his head to one side that he can see right through my façade.

“Well, it’s kind of my choice.”

I blink a few times, trying to process his chilling words.

“Mr Maine kinda left it up to me. If I teach you a lesson, he’s happy.”

“A lesson?” I ask hesitantly as my lips quiver.

He nods, focusing on the long blade he holds between his fingers.

“Maybe if I cut that pretty face, those scars would be a constant reminder of who not to fuck with.” I feel my blood run cold through my veins as he continues. “Or maybe, I could destroy that sweet cunt of yours. Mental scars can be crippling.”

I feel the bile rise in my throat; a cold sweat begins to run down my back. My eyes dart in between the two buildings, and cars whizz past every few seconds, but I know no one would hear my screams back here. I would be found days later, mutilated by some fucking monster.

A monster paid by another monster because he’s too much of a fucking weak coward to come and get his own hands dirty. Pushing off the floor, I slowly rise to my feet, the stranger follows. His large frame looms over me, standing at what feels like a foot taller than me. As my entire body shakes with fear, I have no escape plan. My eyes dart around, but there’s no weapon to hand. I feel truly lost for this moment, with no glimmer of hope in sight.

Taking a step towards me, I take two back. His large hand surges towards my throat, wrapping it around my neck tight. Stumbling in my boots, I feel my body being slammed into the stone wall, and a garbled cry escapes me in the process. His body pressed into mine, shuddering when I feel his disgusting hot breath on my ear.

“We’re gonna have some fun, Summer. You’ll never forget our time together.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling the strength this stranger has. I’m thrown back onto the floor even harder than before, causing me to skid in the dirt. My skull bounces off the hard surface, laying on my side, and my vision is blurred. A high-pitched noise rings in my ears, unable to focus on anything else. Feeling disorientated, I see his silhouette begin to approach me with my shaky vision, but it’s the figure standing behind him that causes me to scream.

Spotting a heavy pair of black boots approach, I lift my head enough to look past a stranger threatening me. A large, hooded figure stands behind the stranger, but he’s wearing a black mask as he raises his head. The attacker turns immediately, and like a caged animal, I faintly hear him speak, slowly raising his hands in defense.

“Woah, this is a fucking mistake.” Before he can say anything further, I see the blood fall from his body, splattering at his feet before he drops to his knees. I watch in horror as he falls to the floor, a garbled moan escaping his limp body before he stops moving altogether.

Taking a calm step over the body, the masked man halts in front of me. All dressed in black, it’s like having the grim fucking reaper staring down at me, holding my life in his hands. I fight with everything in me to run, but it’s no use. The feeling of falling washes over my body before my mind gives up. The noises from the street drowning out my internal screams, and the cold night air consuming me.

Chapter Seven


The hospital is busy, and the smell of disinfectant is over-bearing. With my hood pulled low over my head, I observe the busy doctors and nurses running between different patients. Even through the chaos, I manage to spot her. Her blonde curls reflect off the harsh hospital lights, her limp body lying in a hospital bed while the nurses treat her wounds. I know she’ll be ok, likely just a bump to the head, but I still don’t fucking like it.

My fists clench as the blood and dirt from her fall stains her sun kissed, delicate face. I feel my jaw tick and anger simmering as the fucking monster who did this to her now lies hidden in the alleyway. While he’s not dead yet, when I’m fucking done, he’ll prey for death. But first things first, I need to know why he targeted Summer. She’s been in New York for less than twenty-four hours, and if he was some scum that just snatched purses, he would have taken it and run. But no, this fucking animal was taking his time, and I want to know why. I can’t promise him freedom for his honesty, but I can offer a quick death.

A message on my phone pulls my focus from the hospital bed, letting out a sigh, I get ready for my next appointment.

Glancing between the exit and the entrance to the A&E department, I take one final look towards Summer. Letting out a low breath, I contemplate staying a little longer, but I know I don’t really have the luxury of time on my side right now.

Moving swiftly towards the exit, I pull my hood down low as I disappear off into the night.


The voices around me are quiet yet calm. Slowly opening my eyes, I take in my surroundings. Luckily, the lights are dim, but all focus is on me once I wince. The pounding in my skull leaves my head feeling heavy.

“Here, let me help you.” A young woman approaches dressed in scrubs; she gently places her arm around me, allowing me to lean on her as I pull myself up.

“Where am I?” I ask, scanning the dimly lit room. Allowing my body to relax into the firm pillow she places behind me; her kind eyes meet mine.