Page 63 of Two/Face

Feeling a vibration from my pocket, I slide my phone out. Eyeing a message from an unknown number, I enter my passcode before studying the message further.

Meet me at Blue Bar ASAP.

The Blue Bar is a small cop car about five minutes from here, I can’t say I’ve ever been there, but I know it’s quite popular amongst the local precincts.

I stare down at the message, before snapping my head around to see if anyone is watching me. But my curiosity gets the better of me, walking with a purpose out of the courthouse and into the street.

Approaching the bar, I push the doors open to find a quiet bar. Spotting a familiar face from the courthouse, he turns to me and gestures to the stool next to him.

I glance around the bar for a moment before pulling out the stool and taking a seat. When the bartender approaches, he’s about six foot five and is as wide as he is tall, his forearms covered in tattoos, his hair styled in a short buzzcut, and a jaw that could break fucking glass.

As I open my mouth, the man next to me interrupts.

“Three double Jamesons’s Axe.”

Axe? He fucking looks like a bulldozer.

He grunts. Placing three tumblers on the bar, he pours three large measures before sliding one to me, one to the man next to me, and keeping one for himself.

“I’m Michael Harper, by the way.” Turning to face me, he extends his hand.

“Bhodi Grey.” I say, shaking his hand.

“Yeah, the officer. Pam says you were really nice to her.”

Nodding slowly, I find my eyes scanning the room once again. The whole interaction feels like some strange trap. When the door opens again, in walks ADA James Kressler. I look between the three men with confusion curling the right corner of my top lip.

“Jimmy, drink?” Michael holds the bottle of Jamesons up to him.

“Make it a fucking triple.” He mumbles, draping his coat over the back of his stool.

Axe pours a fourth drink and slides it over to James. When he leans across the bar, he catches my eye, and the confusion falls over his face, too. Before he can speak, Michael glances around the empty bar and nods his head to Axe. The big guy heads towards the door, locks it, and gives it a final nudge before heading back to the bar.

Michael downs his drink in one before slamming the empty glass back down on the bar.

“So, what are we going to do about this complete fuck up?” He asks, looking between the three of us.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


The air has been sucked from the room. My eyes are lasered onto the large window, hoping that if I ran with enough force, I could fucking fly out and plummet to the ground hard, wake up, and this would all have been a fucking nightmare. My hands squeeze the glass tumbler so hard that I feel it could crack within my grasp.


His voice penetrates my ears, but I can’t look at him. Tears cling to my cheeks. Everything he’s told me feels like too much to take in. Rising from his seat, he slides the mask off. The moonlight catches his gorgeous face, his tanned skin, and those beautiful sparkling eyes. I shake my head in disbelief as a sob escapes my throat.

Slapping my hand over my mouth to stifle the noise, I just shake my head.

“It can’t be.” My words choke out, “Why would you….Why?”

Forcing myself to my feet, I slap my hand onto the arm of the chair to steady myself, and waves of dizziness run through my body. When I manage to stand up straight, I look at the glass still in my hand before launching it hard at the window.

Bhodi ducks out of the way, luckily. Still, part of me hoped he fucking hadn’t. Spinning on my heels, I run for the door, but the heavy boots aren’t far behind. Managing to snatch onto the door handle, it only opens a couple of centimetres before it’s forcefully shoved shut. I look at the large hand on the door. I feel his body pressed firmly into mine, the smell of his cologne, the sound of his voice.

How could I have missed all this? I’m so fucking stupid.

“Let me explain, please?” His lips lower to my ear. Even though I want to kill him right now, his voice is quiet and still sends a shiver of want right up my spine.