Page 51 of Two/Face

“Something doesn’t feel right though, Strodey.”

“I always said you’re too good for this job, kid. You can spot something off a mile away.”

“Isn’t it a bit coincidental? Two women, same story, months apart, both go missing, and both...”

“Report the crime to the same detective that was on duty and accuse the same guy?” He interjects.

Blinking a couple of times, I slowly nod.

“Doesn’t seem right and he makes a sudden appearance whilst I’m looking into both Harry and Luca.”

“It doesn’t, but if the captain is suspicious too, then Daly isn’t as clever as he thinks he is.”

“What would you suggest?”

Strode exhales, crossing his arms over his chest for a moment. Looking ahead to the wall in front. I watch as the cogs turn in his mind, contemplating how he would handle this.

“It depends, really.” He finally says.

“Go on.”

“If you’re already suspicious of him, don’t fall into the trap. However, if you believe this surveillance may pan out, always wear a wire and always let someone know where you are at all times.”

“Just all seems a bit too convenient, you know?”

“I do, kid.” Strode nods.

“I need to see those reports.”

“Those reports will just confirm what you already think that it’s all a little too convenient.”

“Yeah, true. He wants to sit on Summer’s apartment too, see if Harry shows up.”

Strode raises a sarcastic brow towards me, a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth as I shake my head.

“Really? That’s probably a little inconvenient for you.”

“Don’t start.”

“Kid, I’m not going to tell you what to do. I tried and it didn’t work. Just be careful, ok?” Strode offers me a warm fatherly smile, knowing all too well I wouldn’t have stayed away when he first told me to.

Chapter Twenty-Four


With my finger hovering over the call button, I once again can find an excuse not to call Bhodi and apologize for my shitty outburst. I hate feeling stubborn, but for some reason, I just can’t bring myself to roll over and apologize, even though I know it’s the right thing to do.

Part of me feels apologizing is weak, and he’ll believe anytime I get angry, I’ll just apologize and that will be that. Catching myself, I inwardly mutter. I’m talking as though Bhodi and I will have the opportunity to have more arguments, but we both know that isn’t the case.

I want to stay, but with Harry still around and now for some reason my mom and Eric have decided to show up too, I feel suffocated. As though they’re all trying to make sure I know they’re around, watching me, for whatever reason.

Surely mom and Eric wouldn’t allow Harry to hurt me, would they? The thought worries me, mom and Eric both know Harry hits me, hell, my mom has seen the results, but they didn’t seem to care. Unless they thought it was ….NO! Shaking my head, I catch myself and make excuses for them. They knew exactly what he was doing and did nothing to stop or even help. I owe them nothing and shouldn’t be fucking defending them.

Turning my attention back to the laptop, I push the thoughts of them aside and continue to idly scroll through homes to rent for a few months on the West Coast, East Coast…Hell, anywhere right now looks better than being trapped here. My forefinger nervously picks at my thumb, looking at listing after listing of homes and apartments in each place. None jump out at me because it’ll just be me. No friends, no family, and right now, no job to focus on.

With dad’s ashes due to be collected tomorrow morning, I feel my time here is running out. I haven’t heard from Father Dudley yet though, so I guess this could delay my escape from New York.

Reaching for the glass of red wine, I lift it to my lips and take a large gulp. As I do, the thoughts begin to whirl in my mind.