Page 43 of Two/Face

“You don’t have to tell me everything tonight, Bhodi. I can see how hard this is for you.” She speaks sincerely as I slowly nod.

With my arms wrapped around her tight, I hold her close.

Pushing the dark memory from my mind again, I know I’ll have to tell Summer the rest. But for now, I’m content with what she knows so far.

Chapter Twenty-One


The morning has been a blur so far. Sitting in the church, I’ve managed to keep it together for now. Occasionally, I pull my coat tighter around myself as the chills keep sweeping through my body. Bhodi’s fingers link with mine, I lift my head slightly and side-eye him. He offers a quick wink and a smile whilst I try to remain strong.

As the coffin is placed at the front of the church, I try to remain focused on the spray of white Lillies which lay on the coffin. I feel the thick knot slowly forming in my throat as my hand begins to shake uncontrollably in Bhodi’s.

As the tears blur my vision, the distant tapping of heels pulls my attention away. Slowly turning around in the church, I spot a familiar woman moving towards James Kressler. He offers her a small smile as she takes her seat next to him, I manage to catch her eye. My jaw falls open for a moment, and I blink a couple of times. But she merely offers a polite and sad half smile before focusing on the front of the church.

Pamela? The receptionist from the hotel?

Snapping my jaw shut, my brow furrows as she offers little else during this moment. Glancing around, the church is busier than I expected. I’d managed to avoid the pitiful gazes from the attendees and have been on autopilot since arriving. Swallowing hard, my eyes land on the four unwanted people nearing the back.


Before I can catch their eye, I manage to turn back as my grip on Bhodi’s hand tightens. He shoots me a questioning look as I hold his gaze. He leans in closer before whispering.

“What is it?” Clearly, the alarm is plastered all over my face. As the fear begins to swarm my body.

Swallowing hard, I try to keep my voice low and not allow my concern to show in case they’re watching me.

“Don’t turn around, but he’s…. Harry is here.” I manage to get the words out, but really, all I want to do is vomit all over the floor and run as far away as I can.

Anger flickers across Bhodi’s face, his eyes stormy as his jaw tenses. He takes a deep breath before wrapping his arm around me and sliding me closer along the pew. His lips lower to my ear.

“Take a deep breath, he wouldn’t dare fucking touch you, not while I’m here, ok?”

Drenched in dread, I manage to nod, holding back the tears as the service begins. My eyes fall onto the coffin once again. Swallowing hard, I don’t hear the words which are spoken. I’m terrified that if I do, I’ll fall apart. As my head falls to Bhodi’s chest, I squeeze my eyes shut and allow myself to listen to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

All the hairs on the back of my neck rise, I know Harry, the stranger, Eric, and my mom have spotted me. I can feel their eyes burning holes into my skin, but I refuse to turn back around.

After a deep breath, I find my mind drifting off to a happier time. A time when my dad was alive and well, and I had just landed in New York for a summer trip. We’d headed out for lunch in the afternoon. I smile as I recall the burger sauce getting all over his shirt, the utter annoyance followed by humor due to his clumsy action. I replay us both doubled over laughing as the napkins on the table did nothing but smear it further into the fabric.

Every now and then, his murder seems to hit me hard in the chest. I know it happened, but it’s as though I need a bigger reminder of what happened to him. I know it hasn’t been long, but it feels like his killer has been out walking the streets for years. I know they haven’t and investigations don’t just get solved overnight. But with everything that has happened so quickly, is someone watching us? Making sure we’re always aware of the threat surrounding us.

I can’t help but allow my body to shift, staring towards the back of the church. Eric and my mom appear to be watching the service. For a moment, she even looks a little sad as Eric keeps his arm around her. Narrowing my eyes, I feel anger wash through me, as the selfish bitch seems to be playing the part of the doting widow well, even if she made his life miserable along with mine.

This is an additional nail in the coffin that confirms I will never have a relationship with my mom again, not after her behavior. Money and status meant more to her than I ever did. She allowed me to fall into a trap with a monster and didn’t care. She cast me aside to enjoy her perfect life with Eric. Even if it was built on corruption and possibly crime.

Swallowing hard, I try to push past the rage within me. Not allow it to ruin the send-off for my dad. However, as my eyes move to the side, I see Harry. His eyes narrow on me like I’m the prey he’s been watching for hours, he’s savoring the moment until he can pounce and tear me apart. His lips curl into a sinister smile. I hold his stare, refusing to show him weakness or fear.

I never thought I would see the day when I defied him, but the moment I hit him with the bottle and fled to New York, it was a slippery slope. I’d escaped Harry, and he didn’t like it one fucking bit. This was on my terms and not his, so he’s doing everything he can to let me know he isn’t far away.

When my eyes finally land at the end pew, the dark-haired man stares ahead. He’s staring directly at the back of Bhodi’s head. His ice-cold eyes never flicker, never move, and certainly don’t look my way. He’s the same man who was at the bar the afternoon Bhodi and I went for a drink. I know he’s a dangerous man, but Bhodi has never told me how he knows him, and it’s likely because the story doesn’t have a happy ending.

Turning to face the front, I try to take in the words being spoken, but the fact remains, gnawing at my gut like it has from the moment I heard the news.

Someone killed my dad, I still don’t know who, and I don’t know why.

An eerie thought shudders through my body, a flicker of chaos followed by a heavy wave of darkness as it descends over the service.

What if someone here did it? What if it was Harry?