Page 36 of Two/Face

“Wh-what…” He’s unable to get his words out.

As the machete rises above my head, I force it down hard. Once the blade connects and cuts through bone, the desperate maniacal screams bounce off every wall in the warehouse. I feel the blood splatter across my face as Finn cries out in agonizing pain, blood pooling at his feet. Holding his right hand in mine, I thrust it into his face as the sweat pours faster from his body.

“You don’t need this now.” I say before throwing it into his lap and heading outside.

Pulling out my cigarettes from my pocket, I lean against the exterior wall of the warehouse. Sliding the mask up, I light the cigarette and inhale deeply. My lips curl into a sinister smile as the sound of cries and retching fills the air around me.

That’s the least that piece of shit deserves.

When my eyes wander towards the night sky, the stars sparkle, and the moon offers the only light around for miles. For somewhere so dark and eerie, it offers me some odd peace. Possibly because this is where a lot of the trauma ends for each victim, they’ll never be terrorized by these people again and have their chance at a happy life.

“Gonna finish this?” Axe breaks the silence, taking a space next to me as I exhale.

“Yeah, eventually.” I mumble. “Think this will ever end?”

“What, pieces of shit, stop being pieces of shit?” Axe asks, quirking a brow, knowing full well that I already know the answer. “Never.”

“Didn’t think so.” I answer before stubbing out my cigarette and sliding the mask back over my face.

Jimmy leans up against the workbench, watching Finn as his body continues to writhe in pure agony. The blood continues to seep into the concrete as it pours from Finn’s semi-conscious body. Dragging the machete blade across the floor, his head slowly lifts. The coldness in his stare tells me everything I need to know; he knows what’s coming.

Standing behind him, I grab a fistful of hair, wrenching his head up. A garbled cry escapes his throat, my fingers pulling so tight, I can feel fear and pain radiating from him. Holding the blade to his throat, I lean in close, my lips lowering to his ear.

“I’ll make sure your child never knows you.” I speak through gritted teeth.

“I’ll see you in hell, you fucking bastard.”

“I’ll look forward to it.” I sneer.

Dragging the long blade across his throat, the blood sprays across the photos, still pinned to the wall. Releasing his head, Finn’s body slumps forward in the chair as his lungs fight for breath. Stepping around the chair, I stand in front of him, the blade of the machete dripping over the floor as the blood pours from his neck. The only noise in the warehouse now is the garbled cries from the piece of shit who’ll never hurt anyone again.

When his body finally stills, I look to his wide eyes. I feel a wave of satisfaction wash over me. Even now he’s dead, I can still see the real, undeniable fear deep within his soul. Dropping the blade onto the floor, it clatters against the concrete as I walk through the separate room. Lifting a heavy kerosene bottle, I head outside.

“Let’s clear up this shit.” I bark as both Axe and Jimmy drag the body out towards the pit at the rear of the property.

Once the body is rolled into the pit, silence falls over the three of us. I pour over the kerosene, throwing in the case file and gloves. Lighting a match, I throw it over the body, destroying all the evidence, along with the majority of the body. As the flames lick higher, I sit on the log next to Axe and Jimmy. Taking a sip of my whiskey, we all watch as one more bad person leaves this earth, never to return.

Chapter Eighteen


The young nurse tending to Strode finally leaves the room. Closing the door behind her, she offers a polite smile before disappearing entirely. Sitting back in my chair, the beeps from the machines eventually just become background noise. Managing to block them out, I feel my hands begin to tremble. As my friend and mentor lie helpless in a hospital bed, revenge is the only thing on my mind.

I have no intention of letting Harry leave this city or Luca ever walk these streets again. I’ll cut them into small pieces and dispose of them, and their names will eventually become a lost memory in the city of New York. No one will miss them, and no one will look for them, they’ll become ghosts in a forgotten time.

I managed to get to the office this morning before abruptly being turned away by the captain. He advised I could do with a couple of days off after everything that’s happened. There was no missing person’s report for Alex that I could find anywhere, so it makes me think no one will look for a while and the trail will be long dead by the time they do.

Lost in thought, I feel a gentle nudge on my shoulder. Snapping my head around, my eyes soften as they land on a familiar face.


Standing abruptly, her soft eyes meet mine. She pulls me close, feeling her small frame tremble. I wrap my arms around her. Lifting her head from my chest, she gently wipes her eyes. Wearing her silver hair in a French pleat and her signature pearl necklace, her usual kind eyes look tired, and her skin dull.

“I came as soon as I could, Bhodi. How is he?” Maggie reaches for Strode’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as she sits at his bedside.

Sitting beside her, I let out a sigh.

“They’ve managed to remove the bullets. Luckily, nothing vital was hit, but he lost a lot of blood. Surgery took quite a few hours, so he’s been resting. He hasn’t woken up yet.”