Page 38 of Two/Face

“One day, you’ll find a purpose, Summer. It may not make sense to you initially, but in time, it’ll be the best decision you ever made.”

I can hear those words echoing in my memory, dad always seemed so happy with work. For a while, I wondered how you could enjoy running a couple of businesses but somehow, he did, and he thrived off it. Great working relationships with everyone he met. He was respected, fair, and incredibly generous to his hard-working employees. That’s why I knew none of them could have done this. They were like his family.

I feel a pain in my heart thinking of other people being his family. But deep down, I know he didn’t blame me for not being around as much as I wanted. But that still doesn’t stop the hurt.

I still when a gentle knock taps on the front door of the apartment. It’s not fear that passes over me this time. It’s frustration. Frustration that whenever someone knocks on that door, I feel scared. I shouldn’t fucking live like this. I’ll admit with everything that’s happened in such a short space of time, I’m likely living in a fight-or-flight state, but I’m starting to hate myself for it. I hate feeling weak and pathetic, but I know that only I can change that, and no one else can.

I can’t rely on my masked hero. I don’t even know what he fucking looks like or who he is. He just appeared in my life and continues to appear with no answers. Gnawing on my bottom lip, I feel my fists clench slightly as my deep sadness is soon replaced with anger.

When the knocking continues, I push from the bar stool. The legs screech across the tiles as I stomp towards the door.

“I’m coming!” I bite out as I swing the door open.

As the door opens, my anger washes away. Staring back at me are those deep emerald irises’ that make my knees weak. A heavy sigh escapes my throat, taking in his broad frame. My mind flashes back to that night in the shower, each powerful thrust, his hands roaming my body, and the toe-curling orgasm that left my body limp as the shower poured over us.

Blinking a couple of times, I push those memories away for now. Swallowing hard, I take a hesitant step back.

“What are you doing here?” I ask coldly, unable to meet his eye.

“I wanted you to know detective Strode is out of surgery. He’ll be ok, just needs rest for now.”

I feel the tension move from my shoulders, and I slowly nod.

“I’m pleased to hear it. I’m glad he’ll be okay.” I force a smile, but Bhodi doesn’t move away.

I crane my neck to look to him, I feel my chest rise and fall with each strained breath. My hard, tender nipples grazing across the fabric of my hoodie, the goosebumps rising all over my skin, followed by the chill of mystery as his gaze slowly travels the length of my body.

“I should probably get going. I’m heading out in a moment.” As I go to close the door, I feel a palm braced firmly against it.

My eyes snap back to Bhodi’s, cocking his head to one side, I see a smirk ghost across his lips.

“Are you lying, Summer?”

My eyes widen at his question. Still trying to close the door, he doesn’t remove his hand. My jaw falls open for a moment as my mind reels with a good excuse.

“I..No…Why?” I manage to spit out.

Fucking great, now he does know I’m lying.

“Just felt like you’re trying to get rid of me?”

Because I am!


“Then, what?”

Letting out a huff, I scratch my forehead for a moment, trying to work out how to respond and not sound like a complete bitch.

“It’s probably for the best; we should forget whatever happened the other night. It shouldn’t have happened, and I don’t want to get in the way of your job.”

“My job?” He asks.

“We shouldn’t have crossed that line.”

Bhodi takes a couple of steps closer. My grip on the door loosens as the rich scent of his cologne fills my senses. Standing a few inches away, he leans closer.

“We did cross that line, you and I.” Sucking in a deep breath, my eyes flutter closed. “I have no fucking intention of forgetting the other night. I can still feel your body wrapped around mine, feel your skin beneath my grasp, and the way your tight pussy strangled and slid over my cock. I felt every moan, every contraction, and I felt your fucking soul leave your body.”