“Let me go in there and check it out. Stay here for a minute.”

He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I don’t want to be the first person to go in there. What if there’s someone in there just waiting to get me alone? What if this is what Ryder was talking about? What if I just sent Travis straight into a murderer? Then Mia will be an orphan! What was I thinking?!

I’m freaking out now. I decided I had to go in and check on him. I tip-toed through the front door and walked right into the intruder. I scream bloody murder.



“Shhh…Ava...shhh…it’s me. It’s Travis. The house is clear.” I put one hand on her shoulders and gave her a little shake back to reality. She finally stopped screaming.

“Oh. Right. Just you. Sorry.” Ava looks around, wide-eyed. “Why didn’t you turn the light on?”

“If someone were in here, the light would have startled them. I wanted to catch ‘em in the act. But see, there’s nobody here.” I walked her through the room, opening the bathroom door, the shower curtain, and the closet. We even checked under the bed. “See? No sign of anyone but you. This door can be tricky. Let me show you how you know it’s latched.”

We stepped out onto the porch together, and I pulled it closed with force. “See, did you hear that click-clock? That means it’s latched.” I pushed on the door to show her it wouldn’t blow open. “Now you try.”

“Ok.” Ava slams the door, but it doesn’t quite latch.

“Not quite. Here, let me show you. It might help to feel what I mean.” I stand behind her, one arm wrapped around each side of her. I take her hand in mine, and we close the door together. There. Did you feel that?”

“Yes. Got it!”

“OK. Do you need anything else tonight?”

“Nope, I think I’m good.”

“You go inside and close and lock the door. I’ll double-check it before I go. And remember, if you need anything at all, you can call me on either my phone or the walkie-talkie.”

“Yep, thanks. I’ve got everything I need, and I promise to call if I need anything.”

“Ok, then. I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”

“Good night.” She slams the door shut and locks it. I try the door to make sure you can’tget in from the outside. It’s locked.

I get in the golf cart and head back to the house. I have a sinking feeling that I shouldn’t leave her alone out here. Maybe I should have had her stay in the house? But there literally isn’t room. Ryder just got into my head. And we’re out in the middle of nowhere. What could go wrong?

“Mia? Can I come in?” I knock on her door and wait for her response. She yells for me to come in. “Did you finish your homework?”

“Yes, of course. Is Ava still here?”

“No, she’s in her cottage for the night.”

“She’s really nice. I hope she stays for a while.”

“Yeah, she is nice. But the quicker she writes her story, the quicker it gets in the magazine. The quicker people learn about us, the quicker we get back in the black.”

“Back in the black?”

“Yeah, it’s just an expression. You don’t have to worry about it. We just want to share our love of horses with people, right?”

“That’s right.”

“OK, well, you get some sleep. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I was thinking…maybe I should stay home to help when the ladies arrive?”

“No, no, no. We’ve got it all under control. I appreciate your help so much, but your main job is school. That’s where your focus needs to be.”