Page 2 of Dixie's Dilemma

“Nora, have you seen Delphine?” Hex asks the Kutte Bunny.

Nora stops clearing a table to answer. “No, I tried to tell you earlier when you asked me to go get supplies. I haven’t seen Delphine since yesterday.”

Frowning, Hex take out his phone. He accesses his location map before frowning at the screen. “Did you see her leave?”

Nora nods. “I saw her last night. She got a call from her daughters. They made plans to meet up for dinner at Delphine’s apartment.”

Hex nods, switching to another app, this one providing a live view of Delphine’s apartment. He taps on the screen before bolting to his feet, his chair crashing to the ground behind him. “Three men broke into her apartment and grabbed them.”

“What?” I shout, grabbing the phone and glaring at the image.

“I can’t find her on the locater app.”

“Have you tried calling her?” Cleo asks him.

He glares at her, but takes his phone back from me. “Put it on speaker,” I ask him. The phone rings a few times before the call connects, but it isn’t Delphine’s sweet voice that comes through.

“Well, I was wondering how long it would take you to call. Have to tell you I’m disappointed in you, son. Thought your mama meant more to you.”

“Who the fuck is this?” Hex shouts. “Where are they?”

“They’re safe. For now. I should just kill them, but I thought we could have a family reunion first.”

“If you hurt either of them, I’ll gut you,” Hex snarls.

“Now, is that anyway to talk to your father?”


Standing in front of the mirror, I rub cream over my punished orbs. Dixie has a heavy hand and I’m still feeling the aftereffects. I’m walking funny today and it isn’t just because of my sore ass. Other areas of my body are sore, too. But in a good way. Hell, even the lingering soreness of my ass lights up my core and has me wanting more. Damn the man!

I shouldn’t let him get away with his overbearing attitude. The man’s young enough to be my son. Well, not quite. I guess if I had him when I was twelve, but still. I’m twelve years older than him! Add to that, he’s my son’s Vice President and close friend. Everything about our relationship feels wrong until we’re together, and then it feels too right. Shaking my head, I finish applying the cream and let out a long sigh.

I know what I should do. Distance myself from the club. When Hex purchased the crumbling plantation, he begged me to help him get it livable again. I did. He has the Kutte Bunnies who keep the place clean and provide the men with meals. He has his brothers to serve as family. So, I don’t need to be here full time. I could return to my apartment and my life before Dixie crashed his way into it. After the nearly successful attempt to kidnap me, I don’t feel comfortable going back to my apartment until I know Nero is no longer a threat.

Knowing I’ve sulked long enough, I head downstairs to see about dinner. Feeding this crew is a full-time job. Lucky the Kutte Bunny, Nora, is working her way through culinary school. She loves to practice, and the guys benefit. The common room is quiet, so I step into the kitchen to find Nora and Skylar. Nora’s at the stove stirring whatever is in the big pot on the stove. Skylar is at the table, cutting up a bell pepper.

“What are you making?” I ask Nora.

“I’m making your recipe for jambalaya. Not sure when everyone will get back, so I wanted something that could sit on the stove for a while,” she says.

“Where did everyone go?”

“Nero’s,” Skylar says.

“What?” I ask, stunned that they’d march right into the devil’s lair.

“He’s out of town. According to Cleo, the house will be empty. He doesn’t like anyone inside when he’s not there. Not even the help. They’re going in so Cleo can grab some of her things. I think they’re doing more than that, but, of course, they didn’t say.”

“Yes, these boys love their secrets,” I murmur. I rarely want to know the details of their escapades. The less they tell me, the less I stress. Besides, I’ll know if their plans lead to danger before they get in too deep. That’s one of the few benefits of my gift. When my phone vibrates, I pull it out to read the display to see my daughter’s name on the display.

“Hi, sweetheart,” I say when I step out of the room to accept the call.

“Hi, Mom. Shayna and I were wondering if you were up for a girl’s night. Both of us are free and it’s been ages since we’ve spent time with our favorite mother.”

I chuckle. “That sounds fantastic. Meet me at my place and we’ll order something.”

Ending the call, I run upstairs to grab my purse. A night with my two favorite daughters is just what I need. Need some estrogen to counteract all the testosterone around here.