My eyes widen in disbelief. “Don’t tell me what to do, asshole,” I choke out, struggling for air.

But I’m not as argumentative as I normally would be.

“Take a walk, and I’ll make some calls,” Landon continues. A flicker of concern passes over his face as he regards me. “Just get the fuck out of here for a minute,” he says softly. “We’ll fix this.”

I nod curtly, and before I can say something shitty, I head down the street. I don’t want to acknowledge what just happened there, and shame and anger course through me as I curse myself for my reaction.

I need to be better for Skylar. But I don’t even know how to be good as I am.



I stand at the edge of Skylar’s driveway, inhaling her sour scent as River walks off his anxiety attack.

I’ve only seen him this way one other time, and we haven’t talked about it since.

The devastation on his face reflects exactly how I feel.

We hurt Skylar.

It makes my stomach churn, but I do my best to stay calm.

Her safety comes first.

And not just because it’s the right thing to do.

It’s because I lo?—

“Yeah?” Vincent’s gruff voice answers after the first ring.

“What exactly did you say to her?” I ask, my voice low. I sound surprisingly calm for how livid I am. It took me about ten minutes to regain my composure before calling him, but my blood still boils as I struggle to not snarl at him through the phone.


“Did you tell her that her friend was dead?” I pace on the sidewalk. “I don’t know what you thought you would achieve by doing that. You’ve only made things worse.”

“I told her the truth.” Vincent’s voice is devoid of emotion. “You and Cain were doing more damage by stringing this along. I thought you were smarter than that.”

The arrogant piece of shit. Maybe I should channel River more, because telling Vincent off right now would feel incredible.

“Well, if you want to talk about damage, more Omegas are going missing,” I snap. “And now, because of your ignorant, selfish words, Skylar doesn’t want our protection, much less anything to do with us.”

There’s a beat of silence on the other end of the line. “More missing Omegas?” Vincent finally asks, his voice less gruff. More curious.

“Yes. And I’m sure that number will increase,” I snap.

Another beat of silence. “Do you think it has to do with the O cases?”

I pause at his question. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he’s interested in our work?

“Yes,” I say slowly. “Even though the ingredients are synthetic Omega hormones, we’re thinking it makes users want Omegas for themselves and act irrational to get them.”

“Which is why you need to protect Skylar.”

I blink, surprised he’s open to the conversation. “Yes. Which is why I’m telling you that the consequences of your words have made her shut us out. It makes keeping her safe all that much harder.”

“I…” Vincent’s voice trails off. “I’m sorry.” The word sounds foreign, as if it’s something he’s never said before.