Dammit, Flora. I hate that she knows how to evoke emotions out of me that I’m not ready for, but I also love her. She’s so endearingly the opposite of me, and I adore her like everyone else does.
“You see? I owe our dead king a debt of gratitude.”
I rest my hand on my hip. “For what?”
A smile pulls at his lip. “It was because of the king that I met you.”
It’s not that easy. It can’t be. A person can’t simply forgive that quickly, can they?
And yet, I’m ready to forgive my husband.
“Jakob,” I rasp out around the lump in my throat.
“You’re my wife, dammit. If you don’t want to come back with me for the coronation, fine. But I am not going back without you.”
“I can’t go back, Jakob. I can’t stand and watch your coronation and pretend to be happy about it. I can’t be a queen.”
Flora and Jakob exchange a knowing look.
Jakob looks back at me with a wide grin on his face. “Who said anything about my coronation?”
I startle. “What are you talking about? Aren’t you here to talk me into standing next to you as your supportive little wifey while someone in a silly robe puts a ostentatious crown on your head and a staff in your hand?” I wince at Flora apologetically. “No offense. Your tiaras are lovely.”
Flora snorts. “None taken! But it’s a scepter, not a staff.”
Jakob eats up the distance between us and takes both my sweaty hands in his. “It’s not my coronation. I want you to come back to the palace with me for Flora’s coronation.”
I look back at Flora. “Is it true?”
Flora beams at me. “You are the first to know, but you can’t breathe the word about it until the night beforehand, after we break the news to the dowager queen.”
“This is crazy,” I say.
Up close, Jakob’s eyes are tired and worried. “Love, I don’t remember how to breathe without you. Nothing feels right without you. We can come back here just as soon as that crown is on Flora’s head and all is settled. That is a promise, princess.”
My heart races.
“I accept your apology,” I say, placing my hand on his that holds the bouquet. “And I’m sor?—”
Jakob cuts me off with his mouth on mine, our lips coming together a heart-stopping kiss.
The coffee tumbles to the ground as he scoops me up into his arms and begins the march toward the cottage. My heart races. The heated look in his eye tells me exactly what’s about to happen next.
“With your family waiting outside?” I laugh.
“I told Uther to take everyone into the village for a pint if things went well.”
“Everyone? What do you mean, everyone?”
“I mean everyone. Torben, Haley, Etienne, Kala, Flora, and her fiancé.”
I don’t remember hearing about Flora getting engaged, but then, I haven’t kept up with the news since I decided to hunker down in Mirror Lake. It sounds like the princess is growing up quickly.
Or maybe we’re all just believing in our destiny and taking our chances.
Jakob leaves the door swinging open as we enter the cottage, but I don’t fuss about it. I’m giddy, tingling with the knowledge that he’s back. That we are back.
This may not be perfect. Maybe this isn’t how you go about getting past your issues.