Page 52 of Jacking Jill

Soon Jill was almost out of her mind from being held in place and taken like this, and when Jack suddenly pulled out and flipped her face-down and raised her ass, smacking it twice before guiding his cock back into her pussy and picking up like he’d never stopped, she screamed and her eyes flicked open wide and she thought she was coming but couldn’t tell anymore, was aware of nothing except how wide she was stretched, how deep she was filled, how thoroughly she was owned.

And how completely she was his.

“Mine,” Jack growled from behind as he pumped her deep and hard, each inward thrust smashing his pelvis against her bottom, the force making her breasts swing wildly as Jill hunched forward on her elbows and forearms, gazing down past her own body and staring at the mesmerizing sight of his thick cock going in and out of her insanely stretched vagina from behind. “All mine, Jill. Always mine.”

Jill whimpered something in response, but her words were drowned out by the imminent sense that Jack was about to come inside her, flood her with his seed, empty those balls which were slapping wildly against her underside as he pumped and thrust from behind, fucking her with a wild desperation that was hammering the bed against the wall, perhaps rocking the entire building with his furious determination to possess her completely.

And then suddenly Jack pulled out with a roar, and before Jill could understand what was happening, he’d grabbed her hips and flipped her onto her back like a rag-doll. She gasped when she looked up and saw Jack above her, his face dark red with pulsing panting arousal. Looking into her eyes, Jack reached between their heaving bodies and guided his cock back to her hopelessly slick entrance, his thickness easily sliding into her primed pussy. Instantly Jack was all the way deep again, but this time he didn’t start pumping those hips even though Jill was sure he was right on the edge of coming like a stallion in a stud-farm.

“Oh, Jack,” she whispered as suddenly everything slowed down and he was inside her and on top of her and looking into her eyes, deep into her eyes, stroking her hair carefully now as he held his cock inside her and flexed it against the farthest reaches of her pussy. “Jack, this feels so . . .”

Jill’s words were swallowed up by the warmest biggest wettest kiss, and she moaned and shuddered and stared up into Jack’s eyes as he smiled down at her and slowly began to move again, rolling his hips, flexing his cock, now stroking her hair gently while keeping his gaze locked on hers.

Jill tried to flash that playful smile, tried to reach for those teasing words from when they’d joked about doing it missionary style with melodramatic eye contact. But neither the smile nor the words came out of her, and she knew Jack wasn’t teasing either, wasn’t playing around, wasn’t being ironic.

This intensity was real.

This moment was truth.

This feeling was love.

“I love you, Jill.” Jack groaned as he moved over her, moved inside her, his cock flexing, his balls tightening as Jill stared with wide wonder into his eyes as her climax began to roll in like a wave in slow motion, gaining in mass and momentum as it rose until it was poised above her like a wall of erotic energy, curling at the corners, dripping at the edges, hanging there for a thrilling moment before it came crashing down just as Jack stiffened and shuddered and shouted as he came. “Oh, fuck, Jill!”

Jill arched her back below him as their climaxes hit together with a synchronicity that shattered her. A shuddering gasping convulsing cry escaped her trembling lips as that slow-motion tidal wave of sexual energy finally crashed down upon her, drowning Jill as Jack flooded her, smothering Jill as Jack filled her, breaking Jill as Jack put her together again.

They came together for what seemed like hours, days, centuries, lifetimes, all the while locked together like a single organism, joined in ways that seemed beyond the physical, connected in mind and heart, spirit and soul. Jack was groaning and gasping, his body jerking and jamming as he filled her afresh with his thick seed until finally Jill could feel herself overflowing between them, hot and wet, semen and sweat, love and death.


“OK, I definitely died a couple more times back there,” Jack muttered wetly against her hair, his body completely draped over hers like a heavy blanket. He kissed her neck, raised his head just enough so he could look into her eyes. “Now I know why they call it missionary style. Because I just saw heaven in your eyes, baby.”

Jill sputtered out a laugh through Jack’s grinning kiss. “We’re both going to hell for making jokes like that.”

Jack kissed Jill again, then rolled his muscled weight off her so she could breathe. He lay on his back, grunting in approval as Jill cuddled herself into his body, her face nuzzling his neck like a little animal. She sighed contentedly, and Jack smiled up at the dark ceiling as pure bliss warmed every fiber in his humming body, lit up every pathway in his buzzing brain.

“That was incredible,” he said softly, glancing down at Jill and smiling when he saw her eyelids flutter closed and heard her breathing settle to a relaxed rhythm. She nodded against his chest, opened one eye and peeked up at him. Jack smiled warmly, then placed his palm gently against the back of her head. “Now you really do need to get some rest, Jill. That was beautiful, amazing, and incredible. And we’re together now. No doubt about that. But being together doesn’t mean we’re at the end. Hell, if the other Darkwater missions are any indication, we’re in more danger now than ever.”

Immediately Jack regretted saying that last part out loud. Jill raised her head off his chest, her eyes alert with a mixture of confusion and worry. “What does that mean? Romeo Carmine can’t get to us here, can he?”

“Of course not.” Jack smiled as reassuringly as he could. “Nobody can track those Darkwater phones and find us here. Now settle down and get some rest.”

Jill closed one eye and examined Jack suspiciously with the other. Then she sighed, nodded, and snuggled back into the protective nooks and burrows of Jack’s body. He kissed her forehead, then reached down and pulled the blanket over her naked body. For several long blissful minutes Jack watched her breathe gently against him, her exhausted body finally getting the rest it needed.

But Jack was restless as hell now, staring at the ceiling as his own words swirled in the darkness of his roiling mind. He knew all the details of what those other guys had gone through on their paths to forever, and although Jack was aware of what they’d all said about how love was the bridge between those dangerously amorphous energies of sex and violence, he’d never really understood it until now.

Because Jack now felt the truth of those cryptic warnings from the older Darkwater guys. He’d felt it in the way he and Jill had just made love. It was all in there, wasn’t it? Sex and violence fighting for primacy like two snakes in a cosmic deathmatch. Jack’s throat thickened at the vivid memory of that moment when he’d almost lost himself to the raw, almost violent, desire to possess Jill. In that moment Jack had seen how that sexual energy could burn dark, that desperate moment when he was taking Jill so hard her teeth were rattling. Yeah, she’d said it was all right, that he could go hard and it was all right. But maybe she’d been drowning in the whirlpool of those competing forces too. After all, the entire story of their short time together—from the meeting at the gas station to their closeness on the dancefloor to the way they’d fucked—was seething with the energy of sex and violence, wasn’t it?

Energy that could only be brought into harmony by the power of love.

And damn, Jack had felt that love burst like sunshine through the storm, bright and true when they came while locked together in flesh and spirit, connected completely in body and mind. That climax was like a dam bursting, the two of them riding the crest of that gushing torrent of energy like cosmic surfers.

The memory made Jack smile as Jill’s gentle breath tickled his neck. He could stay like this forever, he thought. Yeah, baby, let’s just stay like this forever. Maybe it is over. Maybe we’re already there, sweetheart.

But Jack was only trying to overcome that restlessness, ignore the instinct warning him that this wasn’t over. He swallowed thickly, tried to close his eyes and relax, regain that sense of blissful calm he’d found with Jill in his arms, her body curled up against his as she rested peacefully, completely trusting herself to Jack.

Soon that restless energy forced Jack’s eyelids open again. He stared at the ceiling, then sighed and glanced down at his sleeping princess. Jack watched her breathe, then kissed her softly on the forehead. Exhaling slowly, Jack carefully disentangled himself from the gently resting Jill, lowering her head to the soft pillow, covering her from chin to toe with the warm fleece blanket.

He rolled silently off the bed, padded quietly across the room, gathering his clothes and quickly dressing in the dark. He rubbed the back of his neck, checked his watch, then positioned the chair so it faced the bed. He sat, then slid his Sig Sauer handgun from its holster, pointing it down at the floor while he double-checked the magazine and the chamber.