Page 3 of Rogue's Cross

The doctors run around in a frenzy at the hospital, working on both of us. I have a broken arm from where I slammed into the car door, and my head needs stitches. While a doctor tends to me, I constantly ask how Clint is, but no one will give me any information.

Grandma waddles in the room as the nurse puts the finishing touches on my cast.

“Thank God.” She kisses my forehead.

“Grandma.” My voice wobbles. “How’s Clint?”

Tears run down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Skye.”

“No… no… no!” I scream. “Where is he?”

“He’s gone, sweetheart.”





“What time is your next interview?”

I stifle a groan as I glance up from my spreadsheet to look at Waylon, Purgatory’s new manager. He’s only been working at the bar for a few days, and, so far, he’s good at his job. But he’s asked me the same question four times in the last three hours, and he’s getting on my last nerve.

“Seven,” I tell him… again. “How’s business?”

“Good,” he says with a grin. “The place is starting to fill up.”

“Then maybe you should be out there with your staff instead of in here.”

That is what I hired him for, after all.


Waylon stares at me a moment longer as if he has more to say, but instead of speaking his mind, he turns on his heel and leaves the office.

His previous experience managing bars is what clinched the job for him. I interviewed several great candidates, but his work history far outweighed the others. I just hope I wasn’t wrong to put so much stock in what was on paper.

A quick check of the time tells me I’ve got less than an hour to finish filling in my spreadsheet for business this week. And I must get lost in my work because the next thing I know, Waylon’s back.

“I told you the interview isn?—”

“She’s here,” he blurts.

“Oh.” I shake my head. “Okay, bring her back.”

“Want me to sit in?”

I don’t, but he’ll be her boss for all intents and purposes. “Is the floor covered?”


“Then, yes, you can join.”

“Great. I’ll go get her.”

Waylon disappears for a few minutes, and I spend that time reviewing the candidate's resume. Skye Summers has previous bartending experience, and the background check I had Fort complete came back clean. Looks like the only issue this chick has had in her past is she was a terrible student.