Page 55 of Lord of Retribution

I’d handled some business including making arrangements for Roger’s family to receive support for an extended period of time, but I’d wanted to return since leaving.

That wasn’t like me at all.

I rubbed my jaw as I studied her, forced to adjust my aching cock only seconds later. For some reason, being around her had made me reflect on the man I’d become, something that hadn’t been necessary before. I’d known certain things about myself, accepting them without a single pang of guilt. What I found interesting was that I’d been lenient with Ronin, even if he wouldn’t agree with my assessment.

The truth was that brutality was an art, the best men managing to provide what was necessary without pushing the wrong boundary. I was considered one of those, capable of delivering the right amount of pain while still being able to extract whatever information was required. I also had no issues ordering a man to be killed.

Or tortured.

Granted, that rarely happened these days, but it didn’t mean there weren’t times I’d missed the savage activities I’d been required to engage in, my father requiring I excel in aspects of torture. Hell, one of my most memorable Christmas gifts from the man had been a duffle bag similar to ones used by contractors to hold tools. It had been heavy and I’d been excited at the prospects of the contents. He’d instructed me on their helpfulness when interrogating an enemy or a traitorous employee, the gleeful look in his eyes a reminder of just how much he adored inflicting pain.

That was also the single moment in time when I’d grown up, no longer allowed to be a boy of twelve.

Why I was thinking of so many strange aspects of my past was beyond me. However, I still had the bag. I’d carried it with me through the years, finally using the tools the way they were intended after purchasing my ranch. It had needed a lot of work. That didn’t mean I hadn’t enjoyed other methods of breaking a man’s soul, reducing him to tears.

However, my feelings regarding women were entirely different. I’d enjoyed many fabulous nights engaged in carnal activities, requiring the woman to surrender to whatever suited my fancy. While some had been apprehensive of my dark proclivities at first, every one of them had succumbed to the same kind of darkness living inside of them.

Maria was different than any other woman I’d been with. She was tough on the outside, yet as soft on the inside as her porcelain skin. I could read every thought, her trepidations and fear that she tried without success to hide from me. While I knew there were many layers to the beautiful woman, ones I was determined to find and conquer, she was also as hungry as I.

The candle wick flickered in the darkness from a partially open window, the scents of flowers I hadn’t planted or paid any attention to wafting into the room. The air was now cool, which had forced my lovely bride to cover herself with both the sheets and thick comforter, but since she was lying on her side toward me, I was able to bask in her beauty. Even the warm glow from the candle added to her sensuality, not that she needed any adornment or boost in her powerfully stunning looks. She was still naked, which surprised me almost as much as everything else about her, but a robe I’d had purchased for her had been placed on the end of the bed.

It dawned on me that I hadn’t purchased anything for her, not even the ring she was wearing on her finger. I could use the excuse that I was too busy, which ordinarily I was, but couldn’t everyone say that about their lives, yet they shopped when necessary?

I pulled the glass of whiskey to my lips, marveling in the peace that I felt, a rare occurrence. When I with her, everything seemed different, more enjoyable. As if I was ready to finally live my life. Wasn’t that the fucking strangest thing of all. We didn’t talk and certainly had little in common, other than our families were criminals, yet I felt a sense of home being around her.

I chuckled in the darkness, the longing for her tenting my trousers, unable to hide my desire. I’d meant what I’d said to her, even though my statement had seemed odd to both of us. She’d said nothing after the round of discipline, acting as if she would never talk to me again.

The figging had been incredible, watching her face contort as the stinging sensations increased keeping my cock rock hard and my balls tight as drums. If she’d noticed my condition, she hadn’t reacted in any manner. I’d also loved every second of the time spent spanking her.

Sighing, I leaned the back of my head against the leather chair, staring up at the ceiling. Why was I so drawn to her? Why was it that the thought of losing her had almost pushed me into a murderous streak? I had no clue. I took another long pull of my drink, slowly turning my head to stare at the tray of fruits and cheeses I’d prepared myself.

I had a staff of five, two inside the house and three to take care of the grounds. That didn’t include the ranch hands who tended to the horses, feeding and brushing them daily. I did enjoy working outside alongside them as well as riding, but I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been on horseback.

Let alone I hadn’t been to a goddamn grocery store or prepared a meal for myself in years either. Why I’d chosen to stand in the kitchen in my bare feet after changing into jeans cutting and slicing food to place on a tray was beyond me. I wanted to laugh at myself because after only two days, the woman lying in my bed inside my bedroom had changed my habits completely.

Constantine had warned me that would happen. I’d just chosen to ignore it. A part of me also wanted to wake her, pushing her into filling a suitcase, and leaving my responsibilities behind so we could go on our honeymoon. But to what end? With the threats and attempt on my life, the loss of one of my men, it was more vital than ever to retaliate. Oddly enough, I had a very bad feeling the incidents had nothing to do with Liam or Ronin.

Maybe my game was so far off I wasn’t able to see or think clearly. That was something I also had to consider. Let’s face it. My brother had handled the shit and grime over the last few years while I’d been able to pretend I wasn’t a part of a notorious family. It was ridiculous I’d refused to handle the down and dirty, preferring to fall into the business side of things along with Danika. That had never been my personality, not in my entire life.

Although Constantine used to call me a geek as a teenager. That was then but things had changed, puberty doing a number on me to the point I hadn’t wanted the same things any longer. I closed my eyes briefly, trying to calm the combination of anger and anxiety, but it was more difficult than it had ever been.

All because I had a wife now, a responsibility.

A weakness.

I’d gotten more than I’d bargained for.

I rolled the tips of my fingers across the smooth grain of my belt, indulging in another subtle laugh from how much I’d enjoyed watching the color of her skin change from porcelain white to a warm pink, finally to a slight crimson in certain areas from the harshness of the spanking I’d issued. God, the scent of her desire had almost forced me to take her once again, whether she wanted the feel of my cock or not.

Exhaling, I did what I could to push the filthy images out of my mind until I heard her stir, soft murmurs tickling my eardrums.

I slowly lifted my head, noticing she was having a dream. Whatever she was whispering was troubling, enough so her entire body was shaking. When the movement didn’t stop after a few seconds, I eased the drink onto the table, dropping to the floor only inches away. Her moans seemed anguished. As I brushed my fingers down her cheek, I understood a single word she’d whispered. Mama. I didn’t think she was that close to her mother, at least she hadn’t seemed that way during the wedding festivities.

However, dreams were often about nothing that was included in a person’s real life. “Shush, little one. Just sleep.”

When she opened her eyes seconds later, it was easy to tell she wasn’t able to focus. At least at first. Then they opened wide, searching mine. There was a moment where we didn’t need to say anything, the crackle of electricity doing the talking for us. She was looking for answers to questions that I doubt she’d voice.

I eased back onto the chair, immediately grabbing my drink. She continued studying me for a few seconds before rolling over, her intentions to ignore me bringing a smile to my face. Didn’t she understand that she could only do that but for so long?