Page 14 of Lord of Retribution

He moved to the table, easing onto the chair, indicating I should do the same.

While I did, I wasn’t happy about it, feeling more like a caged lion than a family member at this point.

“Maybe so but you need to remember that roots of a family go deep in countries like Italy,” Constantine said as he poured more scotch into both of our glasses. “Besides, from what Pops told me, he and Giovanni go way back, remaining in touch even after all these years.”

This was the first I’d heard of it.

“Was that the man’s reasoning for reaching out to us? Do you know him?”

“I know of him. Pops thinks highly of him and my guess is Giovanni wanted to ensure he could place trust in the man he deemed acceptable to take over. Try and think of it this way. If we accept his gesture, then that will put us into a prime position to gain additional power worldwide. It will also be good for the future of the Brotherhood.”

“Hold on,” I said, throwing out my hand. “Is this offer to join the Brotherhood based on my acceptance of this ridiculous proposition?” When he didn’t say anything at first, I shook my head. “My God. It is. Isn’t it?”

“As you well know, members are required to be leaders of their own syndicate.”

“Uh-huh. And I’m a lowly second in command. This is bullshit, brother. I have a life built here and one I value highly.”

“As I said, you won’t need to live there but so many months of the year.”

I found it interesting he was soft-selling the situation. I just stared at him, which had the effect I wanted, my larger-than-life brother becoming uncomfortable at my scrutiny and building fury. “You really want this to happen.”

“I think it will be an excellent opportunity that shouldn’t be bypassed easily.”

“I’m very surprised, Connie.” He hated it when I used the name I had as a boy but would know how angry I was. I glanced at the file, ready to toss it across the room given my heightened level of rage, until it dawned on me that no powerful leader just suddenly decided to hand over their regime and power to a stranger without there being a significant catch. I gave my brother another quick glance before returning to the file, flipping through the information until I found what I was looking for.

So I decided to read what I’d learned out loud, although I wasn’t telling my brother anything that he didn’t already know. “Maria Rossi, only child of Giovanni and Lucia Rossi. Noted as a highly intelligent playgirl who’s lived a life of wealth and opulence. Let me guess, Constantine, Maria is considered a tasty catch.”

He did nothing more than nod.

“There’s a catch to this glorious offer. Isn’t there?”

Constantine chuckled, once again lifting his glass in quiet reverence with a nod of respect. He’d never been able to fool me. Not for a red-hot second.

“Who is she to me in all of this?” I knew the answer, but I wanted him to say it. No, I was determined to make him spill his guts and what he’d already agreed to without my consent.

The way he was drumming his fingers on the table was about to piss me off to an entirely different level.

“Let’s just say if all goes well, the beautiful and sensual Maria Rossi will become your wife.”

We stared at each other for a full twenty seconds and I could swear the temperature in the room had just increased by a thousand degrees. I pushed back from the table, jerking up with enough force I knocked over the chair. I could tell by the look of surprise on the two soldiers’ faces that my unusual reactions had shocked them. Too bad.

While my brother had never attempted to control either my behavior or my path in life before, I wasn’t surprised that he was getting as power hungry as our father had become years before. I planted my hands on the table, leaning over and staring at him with such intensity, the cords in the side of my neck were pulsing.

“Hear me, brother. I’m not going to be used as a pawn, questioned on my loyalty to this family, or forced into doing something we both know I don’t want. Let Mr. Rossi choose someone else.”

I threw back the rest of my glass, slamming it on the table before taking long strides toward the door.

“Daniel. This isn’t a death sentence. She is beautiful and you know it. At least meet her.”

I stopped short just before walking out, taking my time to control my breathing before tipping my head over my shoulder. “You’ve already agreed to this. Haven’t you?”

“Not to the marriage or the alliance, no. But to meeting her? Yes. Although it won’t be for a couple weeks. We have time but I think it’s important that you consider this carefully and what this could mean to our family and to the Brotherhood.”

Why he believed this was a good idea I wasn’t certain, but given he’d never asked me to do anything of this nature before, I was uncertain I could avoid meeting the girl if nothing else.

“If we don’t hit it off?” I asked.

“Then we back away. It is your decision and I will honor whatever you decide.”