Page 105 of Lord of Retribution

“This is it,” Constantine stated. There was no trepidation in his voice, just the certainty that in a couple of hours, this would all be past and we’d be drinking martinis on the three jets while returning home.


It was also the first time I realized that I’d been living in a space, a building with walls and a roof, but no love. Until Margot had entered my life. Sweet. Spunky. Wild. Margot. No royal bloodline as my father had hoped. No connection to the elite politicians encompassing my mother’s family as she’d hoped. Just a girl looking for a boy to love her.

And I was totally down for that.

“Yep. I’m eager,” I told them all, allowing the glow of the full moon to highlight a nod of respect to the men flanking my side, prepared to die if necessary. I had to thank the Brotherhood for showing me that alliances could be useful. This certainly wouldn’t have occurred just a decade before. Our powerful fathers would never have considered working with another syndicate under any circumstances.

I was proud of Constantine for putting the Brotherhood together. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d told him that either. Maybe after this was over I would.

When the leader of the sharpshooters returned, the very man Brock had suggested for the job, giving a nod that the army of men had been taken out, we all took a deep breath.

“Let’s get this over with,” Sabatino suggested.

“Agreed. I have a tall scotch with my name on it,” Phoenix added.

I did so like the Greek’s love of liquor. I laughed softly, taking the lead through the gates, walking slowly but with purpose to my step down the long aggregate sidewalk. The ocean waters crashing against the rocky cliff was a sweet sound as we approached. I glanced up at the camera over the entrance, knowing that if they hadn’t been deactivated, there would be immediate gunfire as soon as I kicked in the door.

With my Glock in both hands, I took a deep breath, allowing a moment of silence as I thought about Margot, one image after another slipping through my mind. Goddamn, the woman was sexy as fuck. I couldn’t wait to get home and ravage every inch of her body.

“Gentlemen. If I don’t get a chance to say it later, thank you for your assistance and now, let’s take out these assholes.”

With that, I kicked in the massive door, enjoying the sound of splintering wood. Soldiers piled in behind us, a dozen racing up the stairs to the second floor, the others spilling into the downstairs rooms.

We casually walked in, flipping on several lights just because. I even had a chance to admire some of DeMarco’s art on the walls. Very colorful. Maybe it was time I did a little shopping. No, I’d have Margot handle it for me. After all, it was going to be her house.

Wait a minute. What if she didn’t agree to marry me for real this time?

Shit. I’d need to get her something special on the way back, including a diamond ring. No, diamonds and rubies. And roses. A dozen. No, two dozen. Oh, fuck. Why not four dozen? She was more than worth it.

And a diamond necklace to match. She’d hated the one I’d purchased for our first meeting, refusing to wear it. It was because I’d purchased it for someone she wasn’t. This time, it had to be very personal, suiting the woman I loved. That ought to do it. If it didn’t? Well, then I’d need to hogtie her in my bedroom until a wedding could be arranged.

I grinned from my wild and wicked thoughts as the lead sharpshooter returned, giving me a nod that they’d been found.

While I’d normally instruct the men to rest up because I’d spent time improving my interrogation skills, I was far too hungry to taste my baby as if for the first time. Besides, the goddamn flight had taken far too long. I strolled into the room, the two men now on their feet. They both continued to hold cigars in their hands, Ronin looking smug before he took a sip of what appeared to be cognac.

Maybe a glass of that would be a fine ending to the evening. “Good evening, gentlemen. It would seem you wanted to see us. Allow me to introduce the players.”

And so I did, taking my time providing accolades of the brethren remaining by my side. As expected, neither Ronin nor Antonio seemed impressed. Well, too bad for them.

“It would seem we have a little issue with the two of you working together to try and eliminate the various Dons of the Italian Cosa Nostra as well as moi, which likely put a little cog into your wheel for a short period of time. Then you decided it was the perfect time, DeMarco, to avenge your nephew’s death from all those years ago. Now, keep in mind, we’re well aware you’re nothing but puppets to members of the Death Squad, who’ve been on our radar for a long time. They’re next.”

“You bastard,” Antonio said. “You will die for what you did to my nephew.”

And there it was—confirmation.

I headed toward the cigar box, pulling out the remaining smokes, offering them to my illustrious colleagues. After they’d accepted the gesture, I snipped the end of mine, tossing the cutter to Constantine first before lighting up the end.

“Oh, and so you know, your threat of exposing my fake marriage to the press has been thwarted.”

“Incidentally, I heard Kane found the weak link,” my brother said.

“And?” I asked, knowing my lieutenant was likely having a good time with his job at the moment.

“Oh, the guy is singing the blues and will be for a few more hours,” Constantine chortled.

“He’s a good man,” I said. After several puffs, I walked closer, eyeing Ronin first then Antonio.