Page 97 of Lord of Retribution

Leonardo sighed. “As you might expect.”

I laughed and grabbed my whiskey, although the taste was more bitter tonight than ever before. “I’m certain by that you mean they cursed the dense American with no clue about Italian politics. Yes?”

He chuckled. “You are correct. However, they will attend the funeral then wait and see what you are planning on doing. That will be their last given respect for the Rossi family. You will have one chance to garner their respect.”

“And after that they attempt to take what by contract belongs to me and my family. They will fail, Leonardo. If they dare make an attempt on anyone in this country or the United States, they will also suffer my wrath. Make certain they are well aware of that.”

“You have the authority of a true Don. I already have.”

Maybe I would learn to like the man after all.

“And Mrs. Thorn, you do belong here. The house suits you very well,” he added.

“Thank you, Leonardo.” She walked closer to him, placing her hand on his arm, which seemed to confuse him. “You’re in love with her.”

I hadn’t picked up on that emotion in the man. I stood watching the interaction with amusement.

“I… I am not good enough for her. I am hired help.” His admittance was met with a scoff from my lovely bride.

“If there’s anything I’ve learned this crazy month, it’s that it doesn’t matter who you love, love truly can conquer all. If you love her, tell her. Give her a reason to fight for her life.”

He studied her intently. “She will not want me.”

“I’ve seen the look on her face when you walk into a room. She adores you as well. Call her. Tell her. Life is far too short.”

“Thank you. Maybe I will. So you know, I believe you will make a wonderful queen.” As he walked out, Margot exhaled.

“I’m not a queen. Just a girl hoping the boy standing in front of her can love her.”

She winked after paraphrasing the movie line, which forced Brock to groan.

“I think that’s my cue to leave.”

He waved his hand and walked out as well. I grabbed her around the waist, placing her on the edge of my desk and forcing myself between her legs. “How are you doing?”

“Better than I thought. It’s strange to be here, in a house where Maria grew up.”

“We’re only staying as long as absolutely necessary.”

“What about in the future?”

“I don’t have that answer yet, baby.”

She brushed her fingers down the side of my face. “I don’t know if I can continue being Maria.”

“You’re doing very well. We need to get through tomorrow at minimum.”

“A political front. It’s a shame their real daughter can’t be here.”

“She’s safe. That’s what matters. The plane with your mother will land in a few hours but there was no issue getting her on board.”

She sighed. “Thank you.”

I lowered my head, pressing my lips against hers. As had occurred now twice before, we were interrupted, footsteps drawing our attention. She peered over my shoulder, mouthing ‘Leonardo.’

“What is it?” I asked him, doing what I could to keep the gruff tone from my voice.

“The mole is dead. He went up in flames.”