Page 36 of Lord of Retribution

“Is he hurt? Who’s Roger?”

“Stop asking questions. I need to get you to safety.” He was furious yet fearful. I could hear both in his shaking voice.

“No. I need to know. Who tried to kill him?”

“Listen up, girl. There are always enemies, but none so brazen as to attempt something in the daylight. I need to get you inside. They will come for you next. You should know how it works, Italian princess. I’m certain you’ve been through the drill.”

The drill. He had no idea what he was saying.

For all the preparation done, the forced statements when I’d learned who Maria’s father was hadn’t included training exercises for being attacked or preparing for it. She’d simply told me there were always enemies.

I guess all the action movies I’d watched in my life hadn’t prepared me for something of this nature.

The words lingered in the back of my mind and I no longer fought him, my thoughts scattered. There was no way to adequately process what I’d heard.

“Just tell me if he’s hurt!”

Kane laughed. “He’ll survive. That’s all I know.”

By the time he dragged me onto the porch, my entire body was shaking, my heart in my throat.

There was no hesitation on the man’s part, storming inside and locking the door. Within seconds he’d pushed me into the living room. “Stay right the fuck here. Do not move or so help me God.”

As he stormed out, I folded my arms, turning in a full circle. When I noticed the open blinds, I rushed toward them, closing every one of them on the windows. The shadows in the room were foreboding. Was this the kind of life Daniel was forced to lead? I wouldn’t be able to stomach it. This wasn’t living. This was merely existing, waiting for an unknown enemy to end your life.

I turned in another circle, my stomach lurching.

It wasn’t long before I heard brakes squealing from outside the front door. I moved closer, hesitating in the doorway. There were at least three, maybe more sets of heavy feet.

Kane ran down the stairs seconds later, keeping the weapon in one hand as someone pounded on the front door.

“Kane. Let us in.”

He threw it open, immediately glancing over one man’s shoulder onto the porch.

I was certain they’d be in army fatigues instead of suits and ties. This was crazy, so crazy I placed both hands on either side of my head.

“I have men searching the property. Several already posted on both entrances,” an unknown soldier said.

“Good,” Kane barked.

“How is he?” a second soldier asked as he glanced in my direction.

“Brock didn’t say much except he was alive. We lost Roger.”

“And the men who attacked them?”

“Dead,” Kane huffed. He suddenly noticed me, giving me a stern look. “Try and relax, Mrs. Thorn. We’ll protect you.”

Protection. Now I completely understood why my husband had mentioned rules. Rules could keep me alive. I studied the suitcases that had been placed in the foyer, chewing on my bottom lip until I tasted blood. Everything was surreal. My life. The moment. The decisions made.

I backed into the room, immediately turning around. The entire place was spinning, my heart racing.

I started pacing the floor, counting down the seconds then minutes, unable to dig myself out of the wretched haze. Somewhere deep inside, I prayed the man I’d married was alive.

Although I wasn’t entirely certain why.

I felt as if I was continuing to fall into a sickeningly dark prison.