Page 28 of Lord of Retribution

They’d been the ones to help with the wedding, which I’d had no interest in and Maria and her parents certainly weren’t familiar with the city. Although it hadn’t stopped my lovely bride from enjoying time in a couple of clubs. I’d had her followed more than once, curious as to what the girl was made of.

She was entirely different around me.

As I strolled into my office dressed in only jeans, my feet bare, I was surprised to see Kane already waiting for me. Granted, it was after eight in the morning, which was late for the usual start to my day.

“Howdy, Kane,” I said as I immediately headed for the Keurig machine.

“You’re in a good mood, although boxing usually means you’re trying to get over your anger about something.”

“Not anger. Testosterone. And why shouldn’t I be? Last night was my wedding night. After today’s meeting, we’re leaving on our honeymoon to Cozumel. Ten days of nothing but sun and sin. And maybe a few cocktails thrown in along the way.” I selected a hazelnut coffee pod, even humming as I placed it into the small container, grabbing a mug then hitting the start button.

“Are you certain it’s the right time to leave the country?”

“Do you mean because of the bogus threats I received?” After my encounter with Ronin, I’d received a phone message indicating my life would end soon. I’d chalked it up to the big boy needing to assert his manhood since I’d stripped it from him. “That was over a week ago.” The second one had been via a text from an unknown source, likely a burner phone. If the fucker thought he was unnerving me, he was out of his mind. I ate men like him for breakfast.

The thought allowed me to smile all over again.

“They’re not bogus and you know it,” he said as he walked closer. “Maybe you’re not bothered by them, but given what happened yesterday and last night, you fucking should be.”

“I’m certain you’re going to explain.”

“Yeah,” he huffed as he walked closer. “One of the blackjack dealers was almost killed last night after leaving work, the asshole driver leaving the scene. And there was an unexplained fire in the kitchen of another resort. Thank God there were two fire extinguishers, or the place would be ash at this point.”

“Is that why you left the reception early?” I asked as I yanked the bottle of Irish cream into my hand, smirking after doing so. In the two weeks since I’d all but reduced Ronin to a worthless man, there had been rumblings on the street of a possible threat, but the idiots had heeded the warning. Hearing the trouble that was increasing meant the Irish bastards were taunting us. I would bet everything I owned on it.

Perhaps I’d gone too far in my endeavor to send a message, but my brother had certainly been appreciative.

“Yeah, that was the reason. I didn’t think it appropriate to interrupt your special night.” He was grinning when he issued the words, although I sensed his concern deepening.

I poured cream in my coffee, lifting the mug and taking a deep whiff. “Have some of our men head to little Ireland. See what scuttlebutt they learn.”

That’s not what the area was called officially, the ten city blocks overrun with Irish bakeries and pubs, restaurants and shops, but it was a phrase Constantine had coined a couple of years before. It was worth noting that only recently, it appeared the area could now be owned by the Irish mob. It was a perfect landing spot, expensive real estate surrounding the quaint businesses.

Ordinarily, neither Constantine nor I would care, but if what Kane was insinuating was true, it was just the beginning of Irish retaliation.

“You’re out of your mind, Danny boy,” Kane huffed, the expression one he’d called me years before. “I think that hot sex has gone to your head.”

I glared at him, taking two long strides in his direction, more than a hint of anger crossing my face. I could tell he was surprised, but he knew me well enough to lower his gaze. Respect was all that I asked for, other than complete loyalty. “Need I remind you who you work for, my friend? If it weren’t for my idiotic ideas, you wouldn’t own a Maserati and a ranch only two miles from mine.”

He acted as if he was going to become incensed then shook his head. “I’m aware of that, Daniel, but the Irish aren’t the kind of people to be fucked with.”

“And I have no plans of doing that any further. If you determine Liam or Ronin is behind the two incidents, then I’ll make good on the promise I made to both men.”

“Did you tell Danika or Constantine about their unholy request?”

“I didn’t find it necessary at this point in time. You know what would happen should Constantine learn.”

“Good point. I’ll have several soldiers head into little Ireland incognito. What about the meeting with the Brotherhood? Do you want me to attend with you? You shouldn’t go unescorted.”

“No, stay with my bride. I have a feeling she’s going to remain a handful. I’ll take Brock with me.”

“Anything else?”

“Just make certain the pilot is on schedule. Maria and I will be leaving around four this afternoon. And don’t worry, Kane. I’m only a flight away.”

“Do me a favor. Take two soldiers with you.”

I had to smile, the man worrying about me often more than my own family. “Stop being a nag, Kane. I know how to protect myself.”