Scrambling off the bed, he quickly pulls on a pair of shorts and races from the room. He’s long gone by the time I shove Javier from the room and down the stairs to an awaiting, and very pissed-off, Alejandro.
“I didn’t—” Javier whines as he reaches the bottom of the steps. His words are cut short by Alejandro’s fist driving into his gut.
Grabbing the back of his shirt, I drag Javier to the kitchen where Alejandro has pulled out a chair for him. With Alejandro’s gun on him, I rummage through the kitchen drawers for something to secure him, stopping when I find a roll of duct tape.
Pulling his arms behind the chair, I quickly wrap the tape around his wrists as Alejandro paces in front of us.
“Do I not treat you right?” Alejandro’s voice is dark as he questions Javier. “Am I not the reason you have this big, beautiful fucking house?”
“Of course you are, sir,” Javier bumbles.
“Is my money not enough to keep a different man in your bed every night?”
“Plenty, sir,” he answers quickly as sweat begins to bead at his hairline. He dips his head to his chest, trying to hide the guilty look in his eyes. Fisting the hair at the back of his head, I yank his face up until he’s forced to meet Alejandro looming over him.
Alejandro leans close, placing a hand on Javier’s shoulder while I nestle his gun on the fleshy part of his upper thigh. “Do you plan to tell us who you’re working for on the side? Or do we have to do it the hard way?”
“I don’t know wh—” His lies are cut short by the deafening gunshot through his thigh and splintering the wooden chair beneath him. He lets out a single scream before his short, pained breaths fill the room instead.
“Still nothing?” Alejandro slides the barrel of the gun down his thigh until the muzzle is resting just above his knee. Without waiting for any answer, he squeezes the trigger.
Alejandro might be one of two men I know more vicious than me.
“Saltillo,” Javier cries out. “The Saltillos. Puh—please don’t fucking shoot me again.”
“Who?” I fist his hair tighter and yank his head back far enough that I can look into his eyes from behind him.
“Hector,” He wastes no time answering. “He’s trying to get his hands on enough of your empire to make you obsolete.”
“For years, I’ve taken care of you, and for what, a little money? You turn your back on me,” Alejandro snarls.
“It’s not just me.” Javier vomits the words, as though having others as dirty as him gives him some sort of reprieve. He proceeds to rattle off the names of five other men currently working double duty for Hector.
His eyes dart to me standing beside him before back to Alejandro. “And probably Rafael.”
“The fuck?” I drive my hand into Javier’s gut before looking toward Alejandro.
“I don’t know why anyone would want to dip their cock in her dirty, used cunt,” Javier forces out the words as he struggles to catch his breath, “but rumor has it, Rafael is fucking Hector’s whore of a wife.”
Hearing his words has me seeing fucking red. Without fully realizing what I’m doing, I lift my gun and fire a bullet through his temple, the exit spray splatters across the wall and Alejandro’s shirt.
“She’s not a fucking whore,” I mumble as I lower my gun and drop it to the floor, not wanting to give Alejandro a single reason further to suspect me of anything nefarious.
“Is this the little something you wanted to discuss after Javier?” He cocks a brow.
“Yes,” I answer firmly, not breaking eye contact with him. “But it isn’t what he made it out to be at all.”
Alejandro bends down and picks up my gun. Standing, he holds the barrel and extends it to me. “Raf, you have killed more fucking men for me than I could even begin to count. You are literally my fucking family. You’re fucking Jorge’s godfather, for Christ’s sake. I don’t doubt your loyalty.”
Taking the gun from him, I tuck it into my waistband as I thank him. “And sorry about the shirt.”
“Don’t be. That piece-of-shit had it coming.” He lifts his suit jacket from the back of another kitchen chair before turning his attention back to me. “Now, let’s go discuss that little something that doesn’t quite seem to be that little.”
Over a couple of old-fashions at his private resort villa, I give him all the details about my little lamb. Nearly everything that she has shared with me. From her forced engagement to a rapist fiancé to him sharing her with his friends, and eventually caring so little about what happened to her that he used her as a sex slave for any interested man in his cartel.