Page 2 of Master Oradea

My eyebrows raise. “Hopefully for Embry’s sake, Lucianna is doing the talking because we all know what a hothead Descallia can be, but traitors, that’s something he doesn’t suffer well. I hope for Embry’s sake she’s not. I don’t know how much backstabbing he can take from those closest to him.”

“You’re not wrong. I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes right now. The weight of the world and lives of the vampires as we know it are hanging in a precarious balance.”

I gesture toward the dining room. “Let the others know I’m going to head out for the night, Campania. I want to touch base with some of the lords and their soldiers and a few others before daybreak. We’ll plan to have an early dinner tomorrow and head out at first dusk.”

“Sounds good. Be careful, and let us know if you need anything. In the meantime, we’ll recharge and be ready for tomorrow.”

I transport around the corner from one of the hottest clubs in Oradea, a pulsing night spot that caters to the elite, both vampire and human alike. I walk toward the entrance, bypassing the line of people. Henri gives me a chin nod and opens up the red rope to allow me in. “Have a good evening, Master Oradea.”

My laser eyes cut through the dimness of the lounge with only the strobe lights that make people appear as though they are moving quickly when in fact, they are barely moving at all. I spot one of my lords, who hopefully has been digging up any information there is to find while being discreet. The music dies away, the strobe lights quit flickering, and the regular lights come back on as the DJ heads down the stairs of the stage and toward the back to take a break.

I make my way to where Lord Drancus stands with Roman. What the fuck is he doing here? As if we don’t have enough problems with the witches, rogue vampires, and shifters and traitors in our midst, we have to deal with the syndicate head too.

I give him a head nod as I approach. “Roman.”

“Glad to see you again, Master Oradea.”

“You’re a long way from home, Roman.”

He laughs and takes a pull of his scotch. “We’ve been rebuilding the family after everything that’s happened. We’re merging with another Benzini family shortly. I’ll be introducing the brothers to Overmaster Descallia in a couple of weeks. Lord Drancus was just telling me that you were expected shortly. Stop by and say hello if you like. We’re at the table in the front,” he says, before making his way toward the stage.

My eyes track the syndicate head as he moves to a table and joins four big guys in dark suits that match his own. A good-looking blonde sits in between him and one of the other guys. She doesn’t look a day over twenty-one nor old enough to be in a bar. “Who’s the lady with Roman and his new goons?”

Drancus begins to laugh. “Her name is Natalia, little sister of the big bad brutes who Roman is about to get into bed with, my friend. Bad news all the way around, and she is trouble with a capital T. You try to play with her, and her brothers don’t hesitate to draw guns.”

The door flings open, pulling my attention from her to Lucas, whose eyes are flaming red and fangs are bright white against his blood-stained lips and fully descended. “I hear you’re looking for me, Oradea!”

Chapter 2


I take a sip of my drink, bored out of my mind with talk of mergers, acquisitions, new positions in the family and all the money these five can make if they join together. I’m almost grateful when Roman gets up to go to the bar and talk to one of the vampire lords in the region. My attention is quickly diverted to the dark-haired vampire who walks in the door and strolls across the place like he owns it. I’m not the only red-blooded female who turns to stare as the gorgeous, dark wavy-haired male walks over to the bar.

It takes effort not to gawk at that tall, strong bodied man decked out in big black boots, jeans that hug those powerful thighs and a leather jacket that lays carefree over a white t-shirt. Marcus says something to me, and I turn back slowly, not having caught a word he said. “What did you say?” I ask, my cheeks heating because I don’t even have the sound of the music to blame as an excuse for not catching a word.

Marcus looks over at the bar and scowls at me. “Stay away from Roman and the vampires. Especially that one. Master Oradea has more power and influence than any of the fuckers around here. The territory they have should be ours, will be ours someday. Off limits to you, Tally.”

I glare at my brother. Like he’s ever had an issue with me chasing after guys, especially Roman. No, this interest is new. It’s hardly my fault if raging hormones and a sexy, dark vampire are messing with all my senses at the very same time.

“I’m hardly interested in the likes of either of them. Besides, I’m here, listening to the big talks about our impending merger. What else do you want from me?”

Michael looks up from his phone. “You need to understand the business, Tally. What if the same thing that happened to Dad happened to the four of us. You’d need to know how to handle yourself in the family.” I start to say something, but he doesn’t give me a chance. “Like it or not.”

I glare at my brothers who are most infuriating when they’re trying to smother me with protection that I don’t even need. I’d far rather be checking out the master vampire Roman is talking to on the other side of the room. The one who walked in with a swagger across the floor, as though he owns the entire club and whose dark wavy hair drops over the left side of his forehead in a sexy little tilt.

Marcus leans in and lowers his voice. “Do not give us that look, Tally. The vampires are taking over properties all over the globe, little by little, ensuring century to century that they have a larger impact, more purchasing power, and respectability among the underworld and the humans. We can’t stand idly by while vampires like that smug son of a bitch over there take what our father and his father worked to build all of their lives.”

I shrug. “Seems like Roman has feet in both camps. Trying to get us to merge with him and still remain friendly with the Descallia crew. How’s that going to work? I thought Dad was flat- out against working with any of them.” My brothers glare at me, and I smile. “What, you thought I wasn’t listening, right? That the female you bring along for window dressing doesn’t have a mind or would be too timid to speak up? That girl took flight three days ago. I’m twenty-one; I get to make my own rules now.”

My brother’s jaw sets with his annoyance while Antonio and Frankie continue adding up dollars the merger will bring them. They don’t even have the money yet but are probably itching to spend it on some high-priced car, or yacht, or sky rise penthouse to take out more girls. Michael tries to hide a smile and pounds out a message on his phone. “The vampires are trying to gobble up as much land as they possibly can in an effort to take over our businesses. That’s not going to sit well with any of the factions, human or other. It’s a complicated mess. Twenty-one or not, the same rules apply, Tally. It’s for your own safety.”

I swivel my glass again, chancing a glance back at the powerful looking vampire who must stand at least six-foot-five. His dark knowing eyes lock on mine and hold them captive, as the edges of his eyes begin to glow red. I inhale sharply, shocked at the magnetism of his stare, but still, I can’t look away, don’t want to look away, completely entranced by the power he exudes.

A loud noise at the entrance causes me to look toward the door. A tall dark-haired vampire with blood red eyes and fangs hanging heavily below his lips glares into the room. “I hear you’re looking for me, Oradea!” he yells into the room full of people.

The entire club comes to a standstill, all eyes shift to him and the vampire he’s glaring at by the bar. My heart beats faster and faster. It’s not as though I haven’t heard of vampire fights and battles. Just like humans, they have their differences as well, but seeing the heat of those eyes and the wrath that fuels his intent is another thing altogether.

Master Oradea points toward the door. “This is between me and you, Lucas. Outside!”