I let Sardinia take leave before tossing the map I was looking at on my desk, cursing Descallia for putting me in charge of this fucking mission. Not one time in history have the vampire masters been at odds with each other, and I get stuck running the team when all the dissension breaks out. When we have one of our own locked away and are hunting the other down for betraying us all. This fucking day!
I check the gun in the back of my pants, slide a hand over my trusty long sword handle, and snug two daggers into my dual chest vest before heading toward the main entrance of the house to gather the troops. No matter how I feel, there’s still a job to be done, and I plan to ensure we capture Lucas, find out what the hell is going on, and finish this thing with the rogues once and for all.
Natalia joins the group just as I arrive. I assess everyone’s gear with a sweep of my eyes, knowing full well the masters have made sure their mates are prepared for the worst battle of their lives. I move to Natalia and scowl. Her heartbeat is too fast, way too fast. I pull her aside and walk around the corner, out of earshot of the others. “What’s the matter? Are you scared, enchantress?”
She swallows. “You could say that. I’ll be fine, though. I have my gun, and you’ll take care of the rest. Right?”
I pull her to me and plant a kiss on her forehead. “There is nothing to fear. I won’t let you get into harm’s way, okay?”
Natalia gives me a weak smile. This fear of hers is normal for a human. I have to remember we have differences and take those into consideration. I take her hand, and we walk back to the group. “Okay, we should be ready to go. I have a conference scheduled with the other masters to fill them in on the mission when we return. Everyone have enough food packed as a reserve, enough blood to sustain you?”
The group nods, some patting themselves and their gear as if making sure again. I check my phone and scan a message from Sheba, reading it aloud. “We have Sheba’s shifters moving toward the homestead as we speak. Natalia’s brothers are working on a plan to infiltrate the city and will make sure that we know in real time if there’s any movement in or out of the home while we travel there ourselves.”
Descallia and Lucianna join us. “Everything in order? All set?” our Overmaster asks, his dark eyes traveling over the group, quickly assessing their weapons and clothing.
I nod. “We’ve called an emergency meeting for midnight. That gives us time to get there and put these rogues in the ground for good and return before the call with the other masters. A couple of the special ops team put the call together and are working with the intel coming back from the field to make sure we know all exits are closed off. They’re really a valuable help.”
The masters nod in agreement. More than once the guys dealing with intel in the background have come to our aid but hunting down our enemies we can do ourselves.
I clear my throat. “I for one will need no intel. I will smell the mangy rogues from a hundred miles out. Maybe instead of assimilating, we need to focus on getting back to the vampires we are and hunting our prey. It is time to hunt, brothers,” I say, ignoring Descallia’s raised brow.
I gather Natalia in my cape as we take flight. I know the other masters, like me, know what’s ahead. The combat will be intense; it will be a fight to the death. We are prepared to fight that battle for the good of not only the vampire community but of the human race in the communities that we live. We will not allow the rogue vampires to take us back into the dark ages. This is worth whatever it takes, and every one of us knows it as we settle into our journey.
Still, the silence is like a time bomb waiting to explode. No words are necessary. Everyone has their own independent thoughts and fears, but Natalia’s heart races a thousand miles a minute. Whether it is, the fear of me getting killed like in her dream, or something else, it is hard to ascertain. So many jumbled thoughts run through her mind: images of vampires, witches, shifters, and her brothers all swirling constantly. As much as I told her that I wouldn’t leave her, that I wouldn't be killed, and that I would come out successful, I can only hope that things go our way. But we all know there are no guarantees of that, especially with a large pack of angry shifters and vampire rogues who have waited centuries for this day.
It takes energy to make the journey, and we are all glad our reserves are well stocked and can be used to recharge before we get close to the perimeter that Natalia’s brothers have outlined. Soldiers from the syndicate stand ready to take arms if necessary, in defense of their sister, and us, for keeping her safe. Never mind that I have defiled their baby sister and plan to make her my own, whether they like it or not.
Birds squawk in the trees, scrambling for safer ground as the vampires and their mates descend on their homes and nests, all of us settling in among the sturdy tree branches where we have a good view of the estate not more than a few yards away. I should be able to smell the mangy shifters, but not one sign of them exists, until the loud cry of the pack wolf rings out all around us in the forest. “Perimeter patrols,” I tell Natalia, readying my dagger as they get closer. “Stay here. If anything jumps out at you, shoot it,” I tell her, swooping down onto my prey, a large gray wolf with yellowed eyes and a mangy coat.
He turns and leaps, but it’s far too late for him. One arc of my long sword leaves him dead on the forest floor. But the cry has captured the other perimeter guards’ attention. They all want to be the one who takes the purebloods down. They will be sorry they chose the rogues’ side, because they will soon be joining their brothers on the other side.
More flood in from the east, and my brothers handle them quickly and with a skillful and heavy hand. I scan the horizon, watching for movement at the estate, but all is quiet, too quiet. I gesture to the others, and we make our way through the dense forest, staying protected and out of view by the foliage that winter hasn’t yet landed on the ground. Closer and closer we get, until the stench of mangy shifters hits the air, so heavy and putrid that it’s hard to continue forward. Many of them must lay in wait, but we are prepared for this fight. It’s been a long time coming, and these are the last of the shifters who stand in the way between us and the rogues who we plan to send back to hell after today.
The pack is ready, prepared to do their best, but they are no match for the fearless masters who plan to best them and the bastard vampire rogues in an effort to end a centuries old battle today. The mangy beasts leap and claw, tearing at flesh with gnashing teeth and strong grips, but daggers and swords keep them at bay, arcing and swinging, winning one fight only to be caught up in another and another until the ground around is nothing but a pile of bloody shifters who have lost this fight. I swoop to the treetop, carefully enfolding Natalia in my cape, before following the others on our way to invade the estate. But the closer we get, the more it becomes obvious that once again, they have been tipped off and are one step ahead.
“Damn it,” Descallia roars, turning in midflight, letting anger at being outmaneuvered again fuel his flight back to my estate, without even a stop to recharge. Elda is in the kitchen and has quarts of blood ready for those in need and a feast prepared for the group. We slump around the table, exhausted and defeated once again. “Was it a trap?” she asks, and everyone around the table looks up from their meal. Romano nods. “It is always a trap with the rogues. Time and time again.”
Lucianna’s eyes glow a bright green. “My powers are finally starting to come back. It’s taken way longer than I had hoped. They kicked in full strength finally at the rogues’ estate.” She beams at Raven and Willow for making it possible. “Ladies, I didn’t even feel their presence there, did you? Just the shifters.”
Raven, Willow, and Madria begin to rub their stones. “The powers of the stones are working better too. Everything is back in balance the way it is intended. We should follow the stones and let them lead the way,” Raven says. She may not catch the look that passes between Lucianna and Descallia as she waits for Willow and Madria to respond, but it was pretty hard for me to miss.
I watch the ladies as the remnants of the meal are taken away, talking quietly amongst themselves. My keen ears hear Embry’s name brought up several times. Natalia does not have to say a word; her thoughts are clear as day. It will be hard for me to explain why we must keep Embry a captive against the wishes of all the ladies for a greater good that Natalia has only just started to learn, but I will try later on tonight when we are alone. She walks over and whispers in my ear. “The ladies invited me to go have drinks with them in the great room.”
I smile. “Good. You need some time to decompress and unwind. I’ll wrap up some things with the others and then come and find you.” She gives me a smile that doesn’t quite register on her lips and doesn’t even begin to disguise the deceit I see clearly in her eyes.
Chapter 16
The minute we’re in the great room, Lucianna closes the door. “I feel like I have been in the fog of my life. I swear, I’ll never be able to repay you and Devora for getting that spell reversed.” She walks over to the decanter on the bar, turns over a wine glass, and pours herself a drink. “Anyone else?” she asks, and all hands go up.
Lucianna smiles, a genuine friendly smile before pouring each of us a glass and settling into the soft, buttery leather of the black sectional that sits atop a black and red patterned rug. “I’m really sorry if I’ve been distant lately. This spell, and then the Lucas and Embry thing. Not being able to tell for certain whether she was part of this or not was tearing me apart. You know she was the first person I met when I came to Club Descallia? She took me under her wing, made me feel comfortable, and we have been best friends ever since.”
Willow puts her glass on the black marble tabletop. “It must be so hard knowing she’s downstairs, but if it makes you feel any better, she knows that you will do everything in your power to get her out. She believes that wholeheartedly.”
Lucianna’s eyes brighten with unshed tears. “I hope that she does. I have to know for certain. I have a huge responsibility to the vampires as Descallia’s mate. But more than that, I owe them for what my sister has tried to do to them. The betrayals have been too deep to leave anything to chance. We have to be certain.”