It doesn’t feel like four days have passed since one of the scariest nights of my life, but then again, I haven’t left this house, so maybe that’s why.
Evan brought me home from The Oleander after the police took Casey Pockman—we’ve now learned the tall, thin man’s name—into custody and has refused to let me out of his sight since. Aside from the odd visit or two from his family to check on me and a particularly long one from Warren where we hashed out our hurt feelings and mended our relationship, it’s just been Evan and me.
We’ve cooked together, had movie marathons, stayed up late at night talking, played the random board game here or there, and generally enjoyed each other’s company while we healed. Me, from everything my mother left me to deal with, and him, from his father’s heart attack. We shut out the outside world and comforted each other.
No one has ever sacrificed themselves for me. No one has ever taken time out of their schedule to make sure I’m one hundred percent okay. From the moment he closed down the restaurant after the threat at Lily to the last four days when he wouldn’t leave my side, Evan has passed the final test.
The one that makes me fall head over heels, even though I’ve been doing so from the moment he walked into this house, and I almost clobbered him with a curling iron. Growing up, he was my childhood crush. I adored all of these superficial things about him, but I always knew his merit under the surface.
Since coming back to Hope Crest and becoming roommates, I’ve seen the deepest parts of him. Sure, that crush still lingered, but before I knew what was happening, even without permission to myself, that crush transformed into love. Into such appreciation for the man that he is. Not only am I attracted to everything he has going on outwardly, but I’m drawn to who he is on the inside.
I love him, and it’s terrifying. I know for sure I’ve never loved someone as much as I love him, and we’re only at the beginning. Is it too much, too soon? What would he say if I told him?
And if he doesn’t feel the same, does it mean I’ll be on the run again, bolting from this town like I did the last time I left?
The thoughts are too real for this snuggly morning cuddle session, so I lock them in a box in my brain and focus on the almost-naked man in bed next to me.
“As much as I’m flattered and comforted that you have wanted to be here with me, you have to go back to work.”
He’s had calls and texts with his assistant chefs all week long, who have been filling in for him in the midst of the attack during our date. While I think he’s glad to have had this time off, I can tell he’s itching to get back in the kitchen. It’s his passion, and yesterday, he made me a whole five-course tasting menu out of boredom. He’s going stir-crazy at this point.
“No, no, I don’t.” He shakes his head and flips over on top of me, bending to plant kisses on my neck.
I tickle his sides to get him off me, and we tangle back into each other side by side.
His hair is all sleep-mussed, and those aqua eyes are hooded. I wish I could take a picture of him just like this.
“Liam got that entire beef flank in from the distributor. You know you want to go in for that.” I test him.
A slow smirk spreads across his face. “Yeah, I really kind of do. You don’t mind?”
I’m the one who shakes their head now. “Not at all. I know you’re itching to get back.”
“I’ll miss you, though.” He pouts. “What will you do?”
I run my hands over his impressive biceps. “I don’t know, probably clean up. Do some laundry, organize. Maybe go through my email inbox.”
Evan’s face grows serious. “I kind of meant, what are you going to do now? Now that your options are a little more open.”
His question sparks nerves in me because part of me hopes he’s asking so that we can move forward as a couple. We haven’t talked about me staying in Hope Crest or what happens now.
While we still don’t have all the details about Casey Pockman’s crimes and illegal betting business, it’s safe to say I’m off the hook for paying my mother’s debts off. Not only did I never come in contact with him to place a bet, but his whole business was fraudulent to begin with. From the little information the police have given me, he’ll be going to prison. We’re just not sure how long.
Aside from that, there is still my mother’s debt, which I can use the life insurance policy for. But of course, that only covers a part of it.
“Warren offered again to pay off the rest of the house and handle selling it, and … I’m taking him up on it. It’s about time I reached out to the people around me and let them lift me up. If coming back here has taught me anything, it’s that.
“When he came over the other day, we talked about it, and it’s a drop in the bucket to him. We also discussed turning the scholarship he gave me into an annual thing for students in need, and he wants me to come on and help organize that and pick recipients. Which I’m kind of psyched about. So, I thought I’d do some research on that today. Other than those immediate future items, I don’t know what’s next.”
Evan blinks at me, his sleepy eyes going wide.
“I love you.” The words pass his lips, and then he gasps a little, like he might not have meant to say them right now.
My heart is right there with him, shocked as hell but also blazing. I’m on fire. He lit a match inside me that I thought burned out long ago. He loves me. Evan loves me.
“I’m … crap, I did not mean to blurt that out like that. Not that I don’t mean it, I very much do. It’s just, you’re so incredible, and listening to you lay out a plan after all you’ve been through. I’m just so proud to be with you, and I’ve been heading toward this for a while now. After last night, I just couldn’t let you walk away without knowing, and I … shit, I’m babbling.”
Agreeing, I nod on a chuckle but scoot impossibly closer to him. “There is no wrong time to tell me that.” Especially when it’s what I need to hear to have one more piece of my decision-making puzzle fall into place.