Page 55 of Hearty

Surprise makes my jaw drop. “And here I thought Mom was the only psychic one in this family.”

Dad shakes his head. “Oh, son, don’t you know by now that your mother and I discuss everything? We’ve known about August’s crush on you since she started working for us. Only recently have I seen you look at her the same way, and it took you damn near long enough. Just don’t screw it up.”

Looking at my shoes, I chuckle. “I’m trying not to.”

“I love you, Evan.” The words are hoarse as he says them.

I reach for his hand. “I love you, too, Dad.”



There is something about candles that will always make me happy.

They’re such a frivolous item, just a bunch of wax you melt to make a place smell good, and yet they can change your entire mood. A candle can turn a room into somewhere cozy and homey, make your house feel like Christmas during the holiday season, and transform a backyard into this summer oasis.

Out of all my various tasks managing Lily, unpacking the new candle shipments is one of my favorites. The boxes always smell so good, and taking out each individual glass jar or container and placing them on shelves gives me such satisfaction. It’s such a little thing, but it clicks with something in my soul.

I just placed a blueberry pie scented candle on one of the shelves when my phone dings. I take it out to see a picture of Evan and his dad pop up. He’s been visiting daily between restaurant services just to check in on his father. I smile at the goofy look on his face and remember the kiss he laid on me before I left for work this morning.

Thomas went home a couple days after his heart attack, and the entire Ashton family has been in and out of their childhood home to care for him. At this point, he’s yelling at all of us to get out of his house when we come over to cook, clean, or keep him company, and it’s reassuring that he’s returned to his grumpy, lovable self.

The medical emergency was a big reality check to him, and to Evan as well. That night, as he held me in his bed, he talked in a low voice about how terrified he was to lose his father. It’s the most open we’ve been with each other in weeks, and after he asked me on a real date, it feels like our whole relationship is moving in a direction I hadn’t bargained for.

I thought I shut the door on that, both with timing, words, and our inability to connect on the two. But it seems that where I’m still scared and nervous to jump into something right now, Evan is being brave enough for the both of us.

Just in the past few days, we’ve made more strides than we have in our whole time of being roommates. We sit at the dinner table, talk about real things, and don’t just fumble around in the dark. Though, there is plenty of sex. Hot sex, at that.

But it’s more now. Last night, Evan finally broached the topic of my debt and what real plans of action I’m putting in place. We talked about my conversation with his mom, and I am slowly opening up to the idea of letting Warren help me. Even thinking about it brings me such relief that I can relax my financial anxiety for half a second.

As I walk around the store, straightening items and accounting for what needs to be restocked, my mind wanders. That is why I don’t turn right away when the bell over the door rings—not until I hear that voice.

“Just you in here today, then?”

A chill shoots down my spine, and my body goes rigid because that voice is the one haunting my nightmares.

When I turn, the tall, thin man from the driveway is standing just feet from me, a creepy smile painting his lips. I want to run, but my feet are frozen to the floor. There is still some daylight outside, but it’s fading fast, and I am alone in here. An idea clicks into place that he must have been watching me, tracking me.

My eyes shift to the front door, and he wags a finger at me. “Don’t even think about it. I locked it, so we won’t be interrupted during our little chat.”

Fear pings around in my skull, and I can’t think straight when it comes to escaping. “There are security cameras in here.”

He shrugs. “I’m not doing anything wrong.”

His boot steps sound like gunshots to my ears as he traipses around Lily, picking up items and sniffing at others. His presence makes me want to scream, but I know that would be worse.

“The month I gave you is almost up. Hope you’ve got my money.” He leers at me from a mere foot away.

“What you’re doing is illegal.” Not that I’ve gone to anyone like the police to do a thing about it.

A wicked smile is directed at me, and he turns to his right. “Looks like a nice piece. How much does this one cost?”

What the bookie holds is a solid gold globe of the world, sculpted by a local artist. It’s a pretty piece and one of our most expensive, but I’m not about to tell him that.

“Would be a pity to throw this at that pretty face. Maybe I’ll just dent the back of your skull instead.”

My stomach lurches into my throat, white-hot chills breaking out all over my skin, and I stumble as I try to back away. That makes him laugh; he’s laughing at my fear, and I know I need to get out of here.