If she’s trash, then I’m trash as well.
I can barely contain the smile that graces my lips due to Sebastian's closing remarks. He really knows how to bust my father’s balls, and while I know I’ll be paying the price for this stunt at some point, I enjoy the satisfaction of watching the man who thinks he’s king of all crumble.
Sebastian’s departure inspires a few others to leave, and they each cast disparaging glances toward my father as they walk out. No doubt dear ol’ dad is keeping a tally of each person who follows him. That’s fine though, while he's busy glaring at all his guests, it gives me the opportunity I need to leave as well and I’m beyond ready to get out of here. The only way I managed to stay this long was because of Bel.
Now that she's gone, and I’ve already checked on Mom, I can leave.
I weigh my options. I could head back to The Mill for the night, but I didn’t get to have the conversation I wanted to have with Bel. I had hoped to tell her everything, to spill my guts to her, sharing my past and darkest secrets, giving her a way to understand why I’m the way that I am. This fucked-up, psychotic asshole.
My end goal is her. For us to be together, and for there to be no more secrets between us. I want what we had before. I want her to look at me like she used to, like she can’t bear to be away from me, and she can’t wait to see me again.
The night air is cold, and I stuff my hands into my pockets while I wait for the ride app to show up. I need to have this conversation with her and make it clear that I’m ready to move forward.
I already know that Sebastian is going to try to kick me out on my ass, but hopefully Bel will stop him before that happens.
The car finally arrives, and it’s a quick twenty-minute ride over to Sebastian’s place. I have the car stop outside the gate and approach the guard. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be when I snuck in the other night, but if I want to make this right and not give Sebastian another reason to kick my ass, I’ll go through the front door.
When the guard waves me in, I start my trek up the driveway. As predicted, Sebastian is waiting at the door, his tie undone, his jacket discarded, and his hair shoved back like he’s been running his fingers through it nonstop. There’s wrinkles of frustration marring his forehead.
"What do you want? It better be fucking good because, believe it or not, I've had my fill of Marshalls for the day. I’m tempted to shoot you right where you stand." I try not to take his disgust personally.
I nod. "Understandable. My dad is enough for us both."
He studies me for a long moment, his gaze tense. "What do you want?"
"To speak to Bel."
I sigh and hold my hands out. It takes everything I have left to say this word. "Please?"
For a moment, I swear I see the ghost of a smile curve his lips, but when I blink, it’s gone. Fucker. I swear he’s been waiting for this day, to use my fucking one and only weakness against me. Sucks that it has to be his sister.
He takes one step down the entry and looks me dead in the eyes. "No."
I ball my hands into fists, ready to storm past him if I need to in order to get to her. Nothing and no one is going to keep me from her. No one. She is mine. All fucking mine. Blood rushes in my ears as I think through my next steps, but then I catch a whiff of her floral scent. My gaze darts to the door, and some of my anger recedes.
"Sebastian," Bel snaps from the entrance. She's barefoot and still in that sexy-as-hell dress, but she's got a cardigan on now, her arms wrapped tight around her middle. "Don’t be a dick, and stop threatening to shoot people. He came to talk. There’s no harm in that.”
“No harm?” Sebastian snorts, and his gaze ping-pongs between us.
Waves of tension roll off him. He’s not as levelheaded as he usually is. The party wasn't easy for him, and it’s obvious he’s battling a demon, but he’s not advertising a need for help. In typical Seb fashion, he plans to deal with shit all on his own. “There is never no harm when it comes to inviting a Marshall into your home. Have you forgotten that I’ve known Drew longer than you, and, therefore, I know what he’s capable of?”
“I didn’t come here with malicious intent, Seb. I just want to talk to Bel.” I shake my head, my own frustration mounting.
“What-the fuck-ever.” He sighs and waves me forward, finally giving in.
The weight of the world is resting on his shoulders, but I know more than anyone he’s not ready to share the burden with me. That’s just how he is. He knows I’d help him in a heartbeat, but I can’t do a damn thing if he doesn’t tell me shit.
“I’m not here to fight,” I confirm again, but my word does nothing to ease the tension.
“Just get the fuck inside, and say what you need to say,” he sneers at me, and when I start to walk away, he speaks again. “This is my only warning to you, Drew. If you hurt one fucking hair on her head, I will spill your blood on the marble, and no one will be able to stop me, not even Bel.”
“Sebastian!” Bel scolds. “Stop it.”